Using ruby to open an Excel file on a mac

Hello everyone,

I have a bit of an issue that I’m trying to work through pertaining to
opening an excel file I want to open using ruby. I tried looking in
google and all sorts of places but all I could really find is how to
open a new file of Excel. This I can do no problem, however I am unable
to open an existing file.

I am currently using:

Mac OS X v 10.4.11 PowerPC G4.
Ruby v1.8.6
Rubygems v1.3.4

On the mac my beginning code looks like this

#!/usr/local/bin/env ruby

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘appscript’

#This script retrieves the data from excel and puts it into arrays
class Test_arraydata

def EXTCOdata(*arrays listed here, removed for security purposes)

#opens excel
$‘Microsoft Excel’)
workbook=$excel.activate(’\Automation\Safari<Data location>’)

If anyone could help me out with this, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Ryan W. [email protected] wrote:

require ‘appscript’
workbook=$excel.activate(‘\Automation\Safari<Data location>’)
So, you’re doing this with appscript? Well then, in the first place,
“activate” is not “open” (and in any case “activate” doesn’t take any
arguments, and doesn’t return a value). If you mean “open”, say “open”.

Next we come to your argument. What is that funny string with backward
slashes? If it is meant to be a posix path, it would need forward

But in any case, “open” does not take a posix path. You need to use an
alias (i.e. a MacTypes::Alias). So, for example:

require ‘appscript’
f = MacTypes::Alias.path(“/Users/mattleopard/Desktop/testing.xls”)
excel =“Microsoft Excel”)
excel.activate f

I can’t tell whether what you need to learn is AppleScript or
rb-appscript, but I have a written a print book about the one and an
online book about the other:



Hope this helps - m.

I have another question pertaining to individual tabs in the excel
workbook itself. I looked through the link on appscript that you sent
and maybe I missed it and if I did my apologies.

In windows I’m able to to do the following in order to get data from
different worksheets within the excel workbook

worksheet1= workbook.Worksheets(‘Testdata’)
worksheet2= workbook.Worksheets(‘Items’)

I have workbook defined as:
workbook = MacTypes::Alisas.path(/insert path here/workbookname.xls)

This should be the last question I have. Thanks for again for the help

Ryan W. [email protected] wrote:

I have workbook defined as:
workbook = MacTypes::Alisas.path(/insert path here/workbookname.xls)

This should be the last question I have. Thanks for again for the help

But this is what I mean about learning AppleScript / appscript. What you
are really asking, I think, is just “how do I refer to worksheets of a
workbook?” But Excel’s scripting dictionary tells you that, clearly.
This is very basic stuff. The stuff I linked you to tells you how to
read the scripting dictionary, discover the worksheets element of a
workbook object, and use it within rb-appscript. For the scripting
dictionary, see chapter 8 of the online book:

If nothing else, you could just say (assuming you’ve installed
ASDictionary, ):

require ‘appscript’
excel =“Microsoft Excel”)

And chapter 5 of the online book tells you how to form the desired

Incidentally, Hamish Sanderson has just released a new version of
rb-appscript so be sure to update it (along with ASDictionary and
ASTranslate). I’ll be updating the online book Real Soon Now to take
account of the changes. m.

Thanks again for the response. I will admit that I have never really
programmed before, never really taken a class. Was asked to do this for
a project where I work and been stumbling along trying to learn as I go.
So my apologies on being a little slow on not knowing the basics.

Ryan W. [email protected] wrote:

Thanks again for the response. I will admit that I have never really
programmed before, never really taken a class. Was asked to do this for
a project where I work and been stumbling along trying to learn as I go.
So my apologies on being a little slow on not knowing the basics.

You’re doing very well, don’t worry! Contact me directly by email if you
need to, but I think you’ll find if you’ll take a day to read the
online rb-appscript documentation I’ve written, the answers to your
questions so far are there. m.