Using RJB in a Rails 3 app?

I’m trying to interact with a java library (Aspose Slides) inside of my
Rails 3 app. I’m trying to get the rjb gem installed but I keep running
into the same error when I try to start the app:

[BUG] cross-thread violation on rb_gc()

Abort trap

I’m on OSX 10.6.6, running ruby 1.8.7-p174 (via RVM) and Rails 3.0.4. I
tried a couple of methods for getting this to work on OSX with the first
being the official rjb page:

I also tried the “RJB Setup” section in this article as well, same error

Thanks for any help!

Hi There,

Just trying to get a sense who is running Rails 3 on JRuby and in
general how good the experience in. Generally I’m just deploying to
Heroku, but I have some Java shops I work with that have an interest in
war based deployment of Rails apps. How’s the gem compatibility on the
whole? Any other obvious gotchas assuming you’re already comfortable
with the world of Java?

Best Wishes,

Thanks but I’m really just interested in getting RJB working with my
Rails 3
app…can’t seem to get past the error I posted though.

This link was helpful too: