Before I do anything stupid, I’d like to know if there are any gotchas
when using Rails observers instead of writing my own methods or
callbacks? Are they easy to spec/test or will I run into troubles? Are
they easily mockable?
Before I do anything stupid, I’d like to know if there are any gotchas
when using Rails observers instead of writing my own methods or
callbacks? Are they easy to spec/test or will I run into troubles? Are
they easily mockable?
They are easier to spec with Pat M.'s “no peeping toms” plugin.
BJ Clark
On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 10:57 AM, BJ Clark [email protected] wrote:
They are easier to spec with Pat M.'s “no peeping toms” plugin.
FWIW, I was not able to run specs surrounded by a with_observer call
using mislav-will_paginate.
On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 1:57 PM, BJ Clark [email protected] wrote:
They are easier to spec with Pat M.'s “no peeping toms” plugin.
I use Pat’s no-peeping-toms plugin as well. It’s a great tool in Rails
Brandon K. has made some additional enhancements which are nice:
I don’t know if he has requested Pat to pull them in, but Pat if
you’re listening please check them out and consider pulling them in.
As much as I like the ability to fork there’s something to be said
about having a consistent official home for plugins.
callbacks? Are they easy to spec/test or will I run into troubles? Are
[email protected]
Zach D.
http://www.continuousthinking.com (personal)
http://www.mutuallyhuman.com (hire me)
@zachdennis (twitter)
On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Zach D. [email protected]
I don’t know if he has requested Pat to pull them in, but Pat if
you’re listening please check them out and consider pulling them in.
Okay, done
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