Thu 13 Dec 2007 07:22:13 PM GMT
just play with an array and see what you can do with it
a = uname -a
print a.class
puts a.class
what’s the difference bewteen these two methods of printing? Both say
the same thing. Also how can I find out for myself with ri? ri IO.print
<< is that it? ri IO.puts << is that it?
John M.
+44 7739 171 531
John M. wrote:
what’s the difference bewteen [print and puts]?
puts adds a newline at the end if there isn’t one already. print
Also how can I find out for myself with ri? ri IO.print
<< is that it? ri IO.puts << is that it?
Actually it’s Kernel#print and Kernel#puts, but those just call IO#print
IO#puts on stdout (I assume).
On 12/13/07, John M. [email protected] wrote:
Thu 13 Dec 2007 07:22:13 PM GMT
just play with an array and see what you can do with it
a = uname -a
print a.class
puts a.class
what’s the difference bewteen these two methods of printing? Both say
the same thing. Also how can I find out for myself with ri? ri IO.print
<< is that it? ri IO.puts << is that it?
Puts is defined in terms of print, and handles multiple arguments and
elements ending with a separator somewhat differently
shadowfax:~/ssanta rick$ qri io#puts
---------------------------------------------------------------- IO#puts
ios.puts(obj, …) => nil
Writes the given objects to ios as with IO#print. Writes a record
separator (typically a newline) after any that do not already end
with a newline sequence. If called with an array argument, writes
each element on a new line. If called without arguments, outputs a
single record separator.
$stdout.puts("this", "is", "a", "test")
shadowfax:~/ssanta rick$ qri Kernel#print
----------------------------------------------------------- Kernel#print
print(obj, …) => nil
Prints each object in turn to $stdout. If the output field
separator ($,) is not nil, its contents will appear between each
field. If the output record separator ($\) is not nil, it will be
appended to the output. If no arguments are given, prints $_.
Objects that aren't strings will be converted by calling their
to_s method.
print "cat", [1,2,3], 99, "\n"
$, = ", "
$\ = "\n"
print "cat", [1,2,3], 99
cat, 1, 2, 3, 99
Rick DeNatale
My blog on Ruby