Using postgres sequences on id columns

I just switched from using a column type of SERIAL to trying to use a
Postgres Sequence defined as:

CREATE SEQUENCE unique_sequence START 101;

The column definition went from “id SERIAL NOT NULL” to

"id INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval(‘unique_sequence’), "

When i insert outside of rails, everything works fine. Inside rails,
however, I get this error message:

ERROR C42P01 Mrelation “project_id_seq” does not
exist Fnamespace.c L201 RRangeVarGetRelid

My question is: Do you have to use Serial types on id columns? I would
prefer to use a sequence so i can ensure that the ids of rows in
several tables are entirely unique.


SERIAL is just an alias for ‘integer no null default
nextval(‘sequence’)…’ Looks like Rails is looking
for a sequence named project_id_seq yet you created
one named unique_sequence.


— Larry W. [email protected] wrote:

nextval(‘unique_sequence’), "
prefer to use a sequence so i can ensure that the
ids of rows in
several tables are entirely unique.


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Blair Z. wrote:

Right, you need the standard sequence name of
“#{table_name}_#{primary_key_column_name}_seq”, unless you use AR’s
set_sequence_name method to name the sequence.

But you will still run into a problem with these explicitly named
sequences in Postgresql that RoR 0.14.2 doesn’t handle:

Peak Obsession

Well I have a standard name for my sequence but it doesn’t work either.

?> Player.primary_key => “id”

Player.connection.default_sequence_name “players” =>
“players_id_seq” >> Player.connection.pk_and_sequence_for “players” =>
nil >>

table definition:

                                  Table "public.players"
   Column      |          Type          | 

id | integer | not null default
positie | integer |
active | boolean | not null default false
perm_level | smallint | not null default 1
email | character varying(150) | not null
fname | character varying(60) | not null
lname | character varying(80) | not null


Right, you need the standard sequence name of
“#{table_name}_#{primary_key_column_name}_seq”, unless you use AR’s
set_sequence_name method to name the sequence.

But you will still run into a problem with these explicitly named
sequences in
Postgresql that RoR 0.14.2 doesn’t handle:
