Hi, i will keep this short:
<% for photo in @photos -%>
<% if photo.other == params[:id] %>
<%= link_to image_tag(photo.public_filename(:thumb)) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
This is the code Im using and it is not displaying anything. All the
values are stored correctly and params[:id] has the correct value. I
think there is something wrong in the comparison: if photo.other ==
params[:id]. Can you use the params hash to make comparisons like
Obviously photo.other does not equal params[:id]
What is .other?
On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 10:34 AM, Dave L. [email protected] wrote:
values are stored correctly and params[:id] has the correct value. I
think there is something wrong in the comparison: if photo.other ==
params[:id]. Can you use the params hash to make comparisons like
Appreciated my help?
Recommend me on Working With Rails
Other is a column in the database. So photo.other is the value in
this column and I only want to display the photos where the
params[:id] matches this photo.other value.
On May 27, 6:29 pm, “Ryan B. (Radar)” [email protected]
Dave L. wrote:
Other is a column in the database. So photo.other is the value in
this column and I only want to display the photos where the
params[:id] matches this photo.other value.
On May 27, 6:29 pm, “Ryan B. (Radar)” [email protected]
123 == “123” #=> false
The params hash contains strings. A database column stored as an
integer, will return an integer. And an integer will not equate to a
photo.other == params[:id].to_i
photo.other.to_s == params[:id]
exactly what i was looking for. thanks.
On May 27, 6:56 pm, Alex W. [email protected]
Just to add a bit of clarity: you should also keep in mind the Ruby
idioms for object identity vs. object equality. This one still trips
me up from time-to-time coming from Java to Ruby:
The == and .eql? methods in Ruby compare object equality (typically)
where as the == operator in Java compares object identity (do these
variables reference the same object?). Typically .equal? is used to
compare object identity in Ruby.
s1 = “Rubies are red”
s2 = “Rubies are red”
s1 == s2 => true
s1.eql? s2 => true
s1.equal? s2 => false
s1 = “Rubies are red”
s2 = s1
s1 == s2 => true
s1.eql? s2 => true
s1.equal? s2 => true
Notice in the first example the two string have the same value (the
same sequence of characters), but do not have the same identity. In
the second case both s1 and s2 refer to the same string and do have
the same identity.
Wow, thanks a ton for that concise description … that just saved me
probably an hour of digging in one of my books.