I was trying to use OFDM from gnuradio. I made my own .xml to handle
it in GRC and it is designed to make a call like this :
self.blks2_ofdm_mod_0 = blks2.ofdm_mod(
options=my_utils.make_ofdm_options(mod=“qpsk”, fft=512, cp=128,
tones=200, verbose=True, log=False),
where make_ofdm_options() builds a namedtuple object containing the
I only obtain this error and I really don’t know what I made wrong.
OFDM Modulator:
Modulation Type: qpsk
FFT length: 512
Occupied Tones: 200
CP length: 128
gr_fir_ccf: using SSE
gr_fir_ccc: using SSE
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “./ofdm_full.py”, line 120, in
tb = ofdm_full()
File “./ofdm_full.py”, line 84, in init
self.connect((self.gr_file_source_0, 0), (self.blks2_ofdm_mod_0,
File “/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gnuradio/gr/
top_block.py”, line 99, in connect
self._connect(points[i-1], points[i])
File “/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gnuradio/gr/
top_block.py”, line 105, in _connect
dst_block.basic_block(), dst_port)
File “/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gnuradio/gr/
gnuradio_swig_py_runtime.py”, line 1469, in connect
return _gnuradio_swig_py_runtime.gr_top_block_sptr_connect(*args)
ValueError: port number 0 exceeds max of (none)
Any idea ?