Using Mechanize gem to automate some tasks on Facebook

Dear friends,
I’ve recently worked with Facebook Automation. I’ve tried Mechanize gem
I am able to login into Facebook but I stuck here T.T
I tried to post on facebook but can’t find anyway to do that. Can you
give me any ideas?

This is my source code for login into Facebook:

for the confused file name, it is actually Facebook not Google)

Thank you very much :wink:

It should just be a matter of finding the elements and setting them
correctly. Exactly what errors are you getting?

Yes, It’s exactly I could not find element for posting on my wall.

2013/2/23 Joel P. [email protected]

On mine it’s text_area, id=u_0_s, name=xhpc_message_text
Depending what browser you’re using you can inspect elements (On Firefox
I use the Firebug extension) and find out all their details. Then you
can use their identifiers to locate them.