Using GMail to send e-mail causing email


I am attempting to setup my development environment to use gmail to send

I have the following in development.rb

config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true
config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries = true
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
config.action_mailer.default_content_type = ‘text/plain’
config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
:enable_starttls_auto => true,
:address => ‘’,
:port => 587,
:authentication => :plain,
:domain => ‘’,
:user_name => ‘[email protected]’,
:password => ‘xxxxxx’

The Logs are displaying:

Sent mail to [email protected]

Date: Mon, 31 May 2010 13:37:49 -0500
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Test
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: Quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inline


You are receiving this e-mail via Gmail.=


SocketError (getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known):
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/net/smtp.rb:551:in initialize' /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/net/smtp.rb:551:in open’
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/net/smtp.rb:551:in do_start' /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:62:in timeout’
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:93:in timeout' /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/net/smtp.rb:551:in do_start’
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/net/smtp.rb:525:in start' app/controllers/listings_controller.rb:204:in contact_client’

Rendered rescues/_trace (133.2ms)
Rendered rescues/_request_and_response (3.1ms)
Rendering rescues/layout (internal_server_error)

I am on a Mac with Leopard
I am using Rails version: 2.3.5
I am using Ruby version: 1.8.7

Does anybody know why I cannot send e-mails?

On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Brian R. [email protected]

I am attempting to setup my development environment to use gmail…

I have the following in development.rb

config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
:address => ‘’,

The Logs are displaying:

SocketError (getaddrinfo: nodename nor servname provided, or not known):

Does anybody know why I cannot send e-mails?

Because as the error message (somewhat obliquely) says, there is
no such host as ‘’.

There is, however, a ‘’ . :slight_smile: