Using fixed point in GNU Radio for a Pseudo-random chaotic generator

Hello everyone! I already made some blocks for the GNU Radio including a
Chaos generator, a DifferentialChaosShiftKeying modulator and
demodulator. So I already know how to make a block, but I was using
single precision floating point or complex ones. This time I need to
make another chaos generator using a logistic map, but it must use fixed
point precision between like 1 to 64bits(in practice will be 32 to 64).
I was wondering if there was any object of some sort or function that
could help me use fixed point numbers. I was also wondering if GRC could
work with 64bits unsigned integer signals. I need to store the generated
samples as binary or ASCII 0’s and 1’s after they are generated since I
need to use the file for a specific statistical test called “NIST
SP800-22” to
test my generator for cryptographic security. This work must be done for
school at my university. I already made the code using Matlab, but I
have a harder time figuring how to do it in C++ for the GNU Radio. I
will link my “.m” file from MATLAB as a reference for those who could
help me. I would like to do the exact same thing as the source code I
provided, but the data generated in fixed point must be the output of
the block and I would use a file sink or something to store the data

Thx a lot in advance and let me know if something is unclear! I would
really appreciate any kind of help!


P.S.: I’m mostly trying to do the same thing as this article on IEEE: “A
Chaos-Based Pseudo-Random Bit Generator Implemented in FPGA Device”, but
instead implementing it in GRC in the GNU radio.