Using barcode-generator's 'barcode' method in the model


I am using matisimitsu’s barcode-generator for barcodes in PDFs with
Prawn and Prawnto.
GitHub - matsimitsu/barcode-generator: Rails plugin to generate/display barcode in your views.

I want to use the barcode method in a model where i generate the PDF
as a mail attachment, so that I can do this

def with_attachment(pdfFile, customer)
subject “Voucher”
from “[email protected]

part :content_type => "text/html",
  :body => render_message("with_attachment", :customer =>


attachment :content_disposition => "attachment",
    :body => pdfFile,
    :content_type => "application/pdf",
    :filename => 'voucher.pdf'



Where generate_pdf_voucher is a method in the Customer model and
renders a PDF Document.

But right now, im getting the following error

NoMethodError: undefined method `barcode’ for #Customer:0x23fcf94

How can I get around this problem? barcode_generator extends
ActionView to add the barcode method.

For now, I’ve copied the code into the Customer model and required the
imagemagick_wrapper in the model to get this to work. It works fine
but is there no cleaner way?