Hello everybody
I hope this question isn’t answered somewhere else, but the search was
disabled so i hope that excuses me.
I have been introducted to Ruby thorugh the need to write Watir tests to
do functional testing. I have an array of URLs that i wish to check and
a loop to go through them. I use the assert() function to find out
whether a particular link has scrolled to the correct position. If the
test fails (ie assert(false)) ruby breaks out of the loop and doesn’t
check the rest of the urls.
I have added a begin/rescue statement which stops ruby breaking out the
loops but Watir then reports zero failures.
Code looks like this:
def test_href_Exists
href_start =
link_arr = {
"Description" => "198"
href_addr = [
link_arr.each do |key, value|
href_addr.each do |href_arr_val|
href_complete = href_start + href_arr_val
$ie.text_field(:name, "id_href").set(href_complete)
$ie.link(:text, key).click
puts $ie.text_field(:name, "id_href").getContents() + " " +
rescue => e
puts "*FAILED*." + e.message
I am fairly sure there is a simple explaination but nothing i have tried
works so far this week.
Any help would be gratfully recieved
thanks loads