Using angular and cancan in Rails application

Developing an application with angular I came into a problem. In my
application I use cancan ( GitHub - ryanb/cancan: Authorization Gem for Ruby on Rails. ).
Now when showing data in a table i have to filter if the logged user can
cannot edit, view etc, and thus disabling buttons that allow given
When using ror its not a problem:
-if can? :edit,script
but when i need to do the same thing with angular i need to mark the row
data inside the controller with a flag eg. can_edit, can_view and then
so i come up with an idea to add an attribute to each row before
to json:

@scripts.each do |script|

but then i get the depriciation warning:
Writing arbitrary attributes on a model is deprecated. Please just use

An option to add columns can_edit, can_view to my table is out of the
allso taking the cancan logic into angular is allso not an option as I
think that all of the logic is
allready in cancan. So for me it comes down to how can I add the
that are not in my tables to models?

On Monday, April 15, 2013 8:18:18 AM UTC+1, Filip Matošić wrote:

As the warning suggests, I’d use attr_writer/attr_accessor. This doesn’t
mean adding columns to your database, just some ruby accessor methods
(people sometimes call these virtual attributes)


As zou have suggested i have done this by adding
attr_writer :can_edit,:can_read
to my model
and in my controller
@scripts.each do |script|
but still getting the warning
guess I’m doing something wrong,
can you lead me in the right direction?

Dana ponedjeljak, 15. travnja 2013. 09:18:18 UTC+2, korisnik Filip Matoi
napisao je:

I’m using:
ruby 1.9.3p125 (2012-02-16 revision 34643)
rails 3.2.13
activesupport (3.2.11)

After some research i have added
attr_accessor :can_edit,:can_read
and now when I:
@scripts.each do |script|
I do not get any warning, but in my log can_edit is not being printed,
allso if i json the result (@scripts) back to my page the ca_read is not

Thx, helped alot,
now I just:
In my model
attr_accessor :can_edit,:can_read
In my controller i set the can_edit and simply
respond_with(@scripts,:methods => [:can_edit,:can_view])

there is allso a as_json method you can put into the model and it
so you do not need to write “,:methods => [:can_edit,:can_view])” every
i will give that a try afterwords, thank’s for help

On Monday, April 15, 2013 8:46:22 AM UTC+1, Filip Matoi wrote:

As zou have suggested i have done this by adding
attr_writer :can_edit,:can_read
to my model
and in my controller
@scripts.each do |script|

Having defined the accessor you do actually need to use it, e.g.
script.can_edit = can?(:edit, script).

For it to be included in your to_json output, make it an attr_accessor
that you get the reader method too) and use the :methods option to add
to the json output.
