Using an RTL Tuner with Windows


I have installed the ettus binary of gnuradio in windows 7 which seems
work fine however I cannot work out how to get an RTL-SDR block to use
with a RTL2832U TV Tuner?

I decided maybe I should go with Cygwin, as I already had it installed,
so I
could try and compile the code for the RTL, I followed the instructions
the gnuradio site but I just cannot get wxPython to compile, I get a
find file or folder direct.h error after running make

I’ve spent about a week trying to get things going, please help…


On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 12:12 PM, Andy [email protected] wrote:

I’ve spent about a week trying to get things going, please help…


I would focus on getting things working natively in Windows than
trying to work it out under Cygwin. But having said that, since I
don’t use Windows, I can’t guarantee that the RTL-SDR will work under
Windows. Can you explain more what’s going wrong when you try to use


I would focus on getting things working natively in Windows than
trying to work it out under Cygwin. But having said that, since I
don’t use Windows, I can’t guarantee that the RTL-SDR will work under
Windows. Can you explain more what’s going wrong when you try to use


Hi Tom,

Thanks for replying, the issue is I don’t know how to create or add the
source block to try it, as I am on windows do I need to compile the
from the source code? If so I don’t know how, or do I just need to copy
source into the gnuradio file system?


On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 10:47 AM, Andy [email protected] wrote:

Thanks for replying, the issue is I don’t know how to create or add the
source block to try it, as I am on windows do I need to compile the block
from the source code? If so I don’t know how, or do I just need to copy the
source into the gnuradio file system?



My guess is that you’ll have to compile the RTL-SDR code by hand for
Windows, and I can’t help you with that.

Anyone else have any experience with the RTL-SDR code and Windows that
can help?


Sylvain is right, you can use the pre-build binaries. I’ve worked with
the rtl-sdr library on windows before [0], although not with gnuradio.
If you can to compile the source block, it should work fine.

For the driver installation I tried a tool called Zadig (it failed). So
I downloaded the WinUSB drivers [2] myself and changed VID/PID in the
inf-file to match my device before installing the driver.


[0] GitHub - kit-cel/simulink-rtl-sdr: An Open Source Software Package that enables owners of DVB-T dongles with an embedded Realtek RTL2832U chipset to build models in Simulink that interface with the device in realtime
[1] libwdi - Browse /zadig at

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Communications Engineering Lab (CEL)

Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Koslowski
Research Associate

Kaiserstrae 12
Building 05.01
76131 Karlsruhe, Germany

Phone: +49 721 608-46275
Fax: +49 721 608-46071
Email: [email protected]

KIT University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National
Research Center of the Helmholtz Association tells how to use zadig, and which ones work, and which
don’t. I am using only sdr# and hdsdr under Windows, both with RTL2832
sticks and USRP1, without any problems. The RTL stick is my all day
companion (with an exclusive place in my laptop bag :slight_smile: when traveling
train and wanting to know what the RF spectrum has to tell :slight_smile: Hopefully
bladeRF will replace it soon, then I even can talk back to the


-----Original Message-----
From: discuss-gnuradio-bounces+ralph=removed_email_address@domain.invalid
[mailto:discuss-gnuradio-bounces+ralph=removed_email_address@domain.invalid] On Behalf Of
Koslowski, Sebastian (CEL)
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 3:29 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Using an RTL Tuner with Windows

Sylvain is right, you can use the pre-build binaries. I’ve worked with the
sdr library on windows before [0], although not with gnuradio.
If you can to compile the source block, it should work fine.

For the driver installation I tried a tool called Zadig (it failed). So I

My guess is that you’ll have to compile the RTL-SDR code by hand for
Windows, and I can’t help you with that.

There is pre-built version of the rtl-sdr library (
Rtl-sdr - rtl-sdr - Open Source Mobile Communications ) but not of the gnuradio

I don’t have any experience with windows, but just try to build the
rtl-sdr library ( git:// ) then the source
block ( git:// ). Both support cmake build
system, so build and install them exactly like you would build and
install gnuradio itself …

