hi all,
i’m trying to use a user entered variable in a gsub method and for
some reason, if i insert it within a regex it doesn’t work. passing it
as-is works fine. en example will be clearer:
user_variable = ‘some_word’ # retrieved from ‘gets.chomp’
cleaned_variable = ‘^’ + user_variable + ‘|\s’ + user_variable +
print out variable to see if concat worked:
puts cleaned_variable #=> prints out correct regex
p some-sentence-string.gsub(%r{cleaned_variable},‘TEST’) # => prints
out sentence unchanged
however if i pass it like this, it works:
p some-sentence-string.gsub(%r{user_variable},‘TEST’)
p some-sentence-string.gsub(user_variable,‘TEST’)
now the problem is if that variable exists within another word (e.g.
‘he’ matches ‘hello’, ‘the’, ‘she’, etc.), those match too. here’s the
clincher: in irb it works as i expect. only when run inside a script
does it not work! that is, the exact same code, pasted in irb, runs
is there something different about the parser? i thought irb just used
the same parser. what am i doing wrong? any tips for troubleshooting?
is this a bug? am i a bug?
p.s. i’ve also
- concatenated ‘/’ in the cleaned variable
- tried to pass w/o %r{} using /cleaned_variable/ and /user_variable/
(i know, i didn’t expect the latter to do anything different–just
trying anything)
p.p.s. using similar methods in python works fine (for whatever that’s
worth). i haven’t tried it in another language yet.
p. * 3 + s. sorry if this is a repost–i first used nabble but that
post didn’t show up on any other mirror of the mailing-list, so i’m
posting again.