I am new to GNU Radio and i am trying to get feel of GNU Radio.
As my first test, I am trying to do connect 2 USRP board on same PC with
2400 Flex daugterboard and trying to do communication with scripts
in GNU Radio distribution under digital folder.
I am trying to modify Benchmark_Tx and Benchmark_Rx program scripts for
purpose to select right USRP for rx and tx. But i have trouble doing it.
I am not able to find constructor ( May be my unfamilariaty with GNU
is causing this) where i can specify this.
If anyone can just pinpoint to this it would be great.
nilay shah wrote:
As my first test, I am trying to do connect 2 USRP board on same PC
with 2400 Flex daugterboard and trying to do communication with
scripts provided in GNU Radio distribution under digital folder.
I am trying to modify Benchmark_Tx and Benchmark_Rx program scripts
for that purpose to select right USRP for rx and tx. But i have
trouble doing it.
I am not able to find constructor ( May be my unfamilariaty with GNU
Radio is causing this) where i can specify this.
The actual constructors for the USRP source_c and sink_c are in
receive_path.py and transmit_path.py, respectively.
In receive_path.py,
def _setup_usrp_source(self):
self.u = usrp.source_c (fusb_block_size=self._fusb_block_size,
Change the line to
self.u = usrp.source_c (fusb_block_size=self._fusb_block_size,
self.u = usrp.source_c (fusb_block_size=self._fusb_block_size,
Similar logic applies to transmit_path.py