I’m using LoginEngine + UserEngine for web application.
I have some controllers under and admin subdirectory
(Admin::PostController etc). The auto-fill permission in UserEngine
does not work correctly with those controllers.
Right at the moment this is not a problem, since I kind like having the
Admin section separated and available only for god users. However, I
could use Something::Controller somewhere else, and I would like to know
how it deals with these.
I need to redefine the views included in the engines. Is it
sufficient to create an /app/views/user directory and put the new rhtml
files there? Has it got any drawbacks?
How can I “hide” a controller without accessing its source code? That
is to say I do not want people to mess with the RoleController and
PermissionController. I kind of need to make them not accessible.
Their functionality will be available from Admin::RoleController <
RoleController, or something like this.
I do not want to edit their code, since when my hosting upgrades to
Rails 1.1 I may want to upgrade the engines too, and since it is
something I know will happen, I would like not to have to mess with svn
diffs if I can avoid it
I need to redefine the views included in the engines. Is it
sufficient to create an /app/views/user directory and put the new
rhtml files there? Has it got any drawbacks?
Thats the way to do it. You can also override some of the controller
something I know will happen, I would like not to have to mess with
svn diffs if I can avoid it
With the `authenticate’(check the docs to confirm name) filter the
actions can
be hidden from the guest, and the user roles.
Besides you can also redefine the actions (the old definitions get
I will suggest reading the engines wiki, and the readmes, also engines
list will be a better place to ask such questions.
Every time I use the follow_redirect() function within a controller
test, I get the following error:
“TypeError: can’t convert Symbol into String”
Looking at the source for this method I see:
377: def follow_redirect
378: if @response.redirected_to[:controller]
379: raise “Can’t follow redirects outside of current controller
380: end
382: get(@response.redirected_to.delete(:action), @response.redirected_to.stringify_keys)
383: end
I’m not really familiar with the internals of rails, but the following
seems wrong:
“@response.redirected_to()” will return a String object…it appears
that returning
a Hash was the intended behavior thus the appending of delete(:action)
and stringify_keys().
Is this bug or am I missing something?
Kind Regards,
-Steven H.
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