User registration form example?

Hello, anyone can guide me through creating a user registration form in
rails from scratch (without the scaffold command thou), using first the
inbuilt sqlite3 db and then with mysql?

I was having a look at the following tutotial, but lost my way in the
first part itself where it mentions the creation of index, register etc:

Help with this will be much appreciated as I need to start implement a
registration form in the shortest time possible…

On 12 June 2012 12:26, RR TT [email protected] wrote:

Hello, anyone can guide me through creating a user registration form in
rails from scratch (without the scaffold command thou), using first the
inbuilt sqlite3 db and then with mysql?

I was having a look at the following tutotial, but lost my way in the
first part itself where it mentions the creation of index, register etc:

Help with this will be much appreciated as I need to start implement a
registration form in the shortest time possible…

Did you start at the beginning of the tutorial or try to jump in at
that chapter? If you jumped in and do not understand what is going on
then you need to start at the beginning.

If you don’t like that tutorial then have a look at,
which I found good and is free to use online. Don’t skip bits because
you are in a hurry, work right through it including all the exercises
and so on.


thanks Colin, in fact due to be in a hurry i skipped the other parts and
went straight to the chapter I was concerned with, but since am a newbie
with rails and ruby, I lost track of what was going on and was dreading
to start from the beginning due to time constraint

Hello again, this time I followed the tutorial mentioned previously,
however, when am opening localhost:3000/user/register, am only getting
the heading

, but not the form. my code:


<% form_for :user do |f| %>

<%= f.label :name %>: <%= f.text_field :name %>

<%= f.label :email, "E-Mail" %>: <%= f.text_field :email %>

<%= f.label :password %>: <%= f.password_field :password %>

<%= f.submit "Register" %>

<% end %>

On 12 June 2012 14:13, RR TT [email protected] wrote:

Please remember to quote the previous message so that it is easier to
follow the thread. This is a mailing list though you may be accessing
it through a forum interface.

thanks Colin, in fact due to be in a hurry i skipped the other parts and
went straight to the chapter I was concerned with, but since am a newbie
with rails and ruby, I lost track of what was going on and was dreading
to start from the beginning due to time constraint

More haste, less speed.
You cannot expect to solve complex problems until you know how to
solve easy ones.


On 13 June 2012 07:16, RR TT [email protected] wrote:

Hello again, this time I followed the tutorial mentioned previously,
however, when am opening localhost:3000/user/register, am only getting
the heading

, but not the form. my code:


<% form_for :user do |f| %>

Check the tutorial again, that should <%= (not <%) and @user (not
:user) where @user is a user object.


thanks for the <%=
I was referring to this tutorial again:

It uses :user instead of @user for the form creation

However I could not get it to work with the @user, had to use :user to
load the form in browser.

Another problem am getting when am clicking on Register button for the
form is :

Routing Error

No route matches [POST] “/user/register”

Try running rake routes for more information on available routes.

am using the default sqlite3 to manage the db, and in the routes.rb I
only have get “user/register” get “user/index” get “user/login” get
“user/logout” since I followed the example, with a bunch of comments
which follow

is there a way to encrypt the password value being stored in
development.sqlite3? so far when I open it I can see the values as plain

I managed to solve the route problem :slight_smile:

On 14 June 2012 13:20, RR TT [email protected] wrote:

is there a way to encrypt the password value being stored in
development.sqlite3? so far when I open it I can see the values as plain

I think the tutorial at will show you how to do that.
