User_Engine bootstrap problem

When installing the User_Engine on the latest version of Rails, and
issuing the command rake bootstrap, I get the following error.

Creating admin user ‘the login name for your administrator user’
rake aborted!
Couldn’t save administrator!

(See full trace by running task with --trace)

Any help will be appreciated.


It looks like it’s trying to use the string “the login name for your
administrator user” as the value for the login field. Have you made
sure to set that value? The README should outline this stuff…

  • james

On 5/11/06, Rake Bootstrap command does not work properly

I have the similar problem, even though UserEngine module details in
environment.rb is well changed. I still see above error.

How do we debug in detail on what exactly is wrong? in terms of
ActiveRecord debugging


James A. wrote:

It looks like it’s trying to use the string “the login name for your
administrator user” as the value for the login field. Have you made
sure to set that value? The README should outline this stuff…

  • james

On 5/11/06, Rake Bootstrap command does not work properly

I think I fixed the problem. Looks like its working. What I did is
commented out admin_login and admin_password in UserEngine entry at
environment.rb. So it would like something like this

module UserEngine
#config :admin_login, “admin”
config :admin_email, “[email protected]
#config :admin_password, “adminatuserengine”

and then executed “rake bootstrap” and it worked. With this what it does
is it will create username: admin and password: testing , you can go
change this later I guess.


zigs wrote:

I have the similar problem, even though UserEngine module details in
environment.rb is well changed. I still see above error.

How do we debug in detail on what exactly is wrong? in terms of
ActiveRecord debugging


James A. wrote:

It looks like it’s trying to use the string “the login name for your
administrator user” as the value for the login field. Have you made
sure to set that value? The README should outline this stuff…

  • james

On 5/11/06, Rake Bootstrap command does not work properly