Hi all,
I have an object ( a website tester) that can return various values.
One of which is Net:HTTPOK, I want to use a case statement to evaluate
this and set a variable called ‘severity’, as follows:
result = TestWebsite::test( site )
case result
when Net::HTTPOK
severity = :INFO
when SocketError
severity = :ERROR
severity = :WARN
However, when Net::HTTPOK is returned, the severity variable ALWAYS
ends up as :WARN instead of :INFO.
Using IRB I have manually entered the code in as follows:
site = ‘beautyandthebrand.co.uk’
=> “beautyandthebrand.co.uk”
result = TestWebsite::test( site )
=> Net::HTTPOK
Then ran the following tests:
result == Net::HTTPOK
=> true
result != Net::HTTPOK
=> false
This to me just proves the result I am getting is Net::HTTPOK, but why
can’t I get it to match in the case statement?
Many thanks for any help
On 11/1/07, Gabriel D. [email protected] wrote:
when SocketError
severity = :ERROR
severity = :WARN
This form of case
case x
when y
is logically equivalent to:
if y === x
Now Net::HTTPOK is a class, and class implements === as a test of
whether the argument is an instance of the class or a subclass.
Array === [] #=> true
Array === Array #=> false
If response is really the class then you either want to use if/elsif or
when result == Net::HTTPOK
Rick DeNatale
My blog on Ruby
I think you problem is in your code the case is testing if
result.is_a? Net::HTTPOK
and not
result == Net::HTTPOK
This happens since Net::HTTPOK is a class and not an object
If you rewrite your code this way you should see the behaviour you’re
result = TestWebsite::test( site )
case result.to_s
when ‘Net::HTTPOK’
severity = :INFO
when ‘SocketError’
severity = :ERROR
severity = :WARN
A better idea would be to have TestWebsite::test( site ) returning the
object and not the class, this way you don’t need to rewrite your
original case code