Url routing issue - Agile Rails Chapter 6

I am walking through the tutorial in Agile web development with rails
book 3rd edition.

When I try to access the url http://localhost:3000/products I get this

No route matches “/products” with {:method=>:get}

Which - when I look at the products controller I do not understand how
the url in the book is correct?

In the previous chapter I created a Say controller which had a hello
action. But, the products controller has index, show, new, edit, create,
update and destroy.

I tried /products/new and products/index and still nothing…

What am I missing here?

On 7 August 2010 19:45, Carl J. [email protected] wrote:

In the previous chapter I created a Say controller which had a hello
action. But, the products controller has index, show, new, edit, create,
update and destroy.

I tried /products/new and products/index and still nothing…

What am I missing here?

The ‘No route matches…’ error usually suggests that something is
missing in your config/routes.rb file. At this point in the tutorial,
you should have:

map.resources :products

somewhere in your config/routes.rb. Do you?

( This is a bit hard to diagnose, as you’ve noticed, because the
‘resource’-style routing adds some standard mappings that aren’t like
the explicit /controller/action mapping you were previously introduced
to. In this case, behind the scenes, the ‘map.resources :products’
adds a route that maps /products to ProductsController#index. You can
read more about this in the Rails Routing guide [1]. It seems weird
and magical at first, but it’ll soon become second nature, trust me! )




rake routes

from any directory in your Rails app to list your routes. I’ve found it
big help, especially for understanding what’s going on behind the


Thanks for the responses but, I found the issue.

I am really new to this (obviously) but, I think I had started Webrcik
in my demo directory and not the depot on which it should have been.

Another thing is that I found this website.

That shows using script/generate without a ‘/’ in the command. The book
uses this and it was causing an issue trying to run db:migrate. My
migration file had a space between the ‘:’ colon and the column name.

Once I fixed those things I can now get to the url just fine.

Trying to figure out the differences is a pain. The book says it is for
Rails 2 and I am running Rails 2.3.8 you’d think this would be a