URL pop-up from selection (select box)

I would like to have a “popup” window to open when selecting a value in
a selection box, all this without “JavaScript”…

So far I have the following code in a view file, no action
‘pop_up_window’ defined so far…

<%= start_form_tag :controller => ‘list’, :action => ‘pop_up_window’ %>

@my_array=[“Select Destination…”]
@my_array<<[‘Destination 1’,‘http://www.domainname1.com’]
@my_array<<[‘Destination 2’,‘http://www.domainname2.com’]
@my_array<<[‘Destination 3’,‘http://www.domainname3.com’]

<% select ‘destination’, ‘destination_url’, @my_array, {}, {:style =>
“width:100px”} %>

<%= submit_tag “Go !” %>

<%= end_form_tag %>

What would be the code for the action ‘pop_up_window’ ??
Are there other ways to achieve the result (without using JavaScript) ?

Thank you very much !!

I debated responding since I don’t really know the answer, but I can
much guarantee you it will require javascript.

Hope that helps,
Tyler P.

anyone ?