Hi all
I have a small issue I ma trying to solve (at least to understand…)
I am testing an app on my remote_server (w Apache/Passenger) in a
sub_URI, without any problem (I tested also the same app, locally w
Apache too)
in my environment.rb , I have initialized
config.action_controller.relative_url_root = “/my_subURI”
config.action_controller.asset_host = "http://my_domain.com
running fine. I am also using a facebox plugin, in which 2 images :
loading.gif and closelabel.gif are hard-coded (I know it should not
be… but I am not the author…), so in the facebox.js , I had to
modify the hard-coded URI
$.extend($.facebox, {
settings: {
loadingImage : ‘/my_subURIv/images/facebox/loading.gif’,
closeImage : ‘/my_subURI/images/facebox/closelabel.gif’,
without this modification, the images where not found… (don’t
understand why …)
the issue is now when running local in development/test, using
Mongrel, teh app is running fine too, EXCEPTED these 2 images : I got
the message when displaying the facebox form
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches “/images/facebox/
closelabel.gif” with {:method=>:get}):
I don’t know if there is any possibility to avoid this issue, testing
the host (localhost) and changing the environment definition only when
running on localhost ? or any other trick ???
thanks for any ino or link on this kind of issue