URL based on acts_as_tree using routes

Hi There!

I’d like some feedback before I try to implement some funky rails
routes based on an acts_as_tree model.

I have a Page model that acts_as_tree. I’d like the URLs to look
something like this:


or, another example…


So, as many sub-nodes the user creates, that’s how long the URL gets to

Now, it would be great in routes.rb if you just specify a model for
the URL to act as, but the only way I thought of doing this was to
take the path_info manually and splitting the URL by the / into an
array and loop through the array to ensure that all of the nodes along
the way exist.

Here is a route that I am playing with now:

map.connect ‘:controller/:action/:id’
map.connect ‘*path_info’, :controller => ‘pages’, :action => ‘view’

This works kind of okay because if I put the default route first, it
won’t break any existing application functionality I have. Then, in
the “view” action I can now have the params[:path_info] variable do
my bidding.

So, this seems like a good solution but not a great solution. I feel
like the controller shouldn’t have to steal the job of routes.rb.

In Psuedo “i-dont-know-ruby-that-well” code, this would be nice:

map.connect ‘:acts_as_tree’, :controller => ‘pages’, :action => ‘view’,
:acts_as_tree => { :model => Page,
:write_url_for => Page.name,
:root_id => 0,
:default_url => Page.find_by_id(:first) }

OR, with a URL prefix such as “pages”:

map.connect ‘pages/:acts_as_tree’, :controller => ‘pages’, :action =>
:acts_as_tree => { :model => Page,
:write_url_for => Page.name,
:root_id => 0,
:default_url => Page.find_by_id(:first) }

If there is something I am missing, please let me know. I’m hoping
this is an “of-course-rails-does-that” moments.



On Friday, June 16, 2006, at 11:17 PM, Jeff W. wrote:

or, another example…

So, this seems like a good solution but not a great solution. I feel
OR, with a URL prefix such as “pages”:



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What happens if a user types in an arbitrary (and probably invalid)
Is the name of each node unique?

A quick and dirty way to do this would be to generate the ‘string-key’
for each record in the tree… say
‘what-we-do/products/our-great-cms/features/faqs/’, and then just look
up your records by this.


You would have to generate the string key when you create or update the
record. You would need some sort of routine to update the string_ids
for the entire tree to make sure they are consistent.


What I ended up doing was having a URLs table (Url model) that has the
full path to the page that I save when the page is created. When the
page is renamed or moved, there is a function that recurses the tree
and inserts new records into the URLs table. This allows me to save
old paths to old pages so in the event a page changes or moves and
that URL is requested I can redirect the visitor to the location of
the new URL. Oh, and I am using the *path_info as the parameter to
search by… and yes all the nodes are unique.

Again, it just seems like I’m having the controller do the job of
routes and I hope my routes wish I mentioned would come true :slight_smile:

It makes me nervous doing too much with routes right now because I
just saw a Rails-Core thread about a routes re-write:
http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/67534… so maybe they will come up
with something I can use. I’ve seen other people looking for routes to
use acts_as_tree so I know I’m not the only one.


On 17 Jun 2006 12:43:35 -0000, Kevin O.