On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 03:59:24PM -0400, mrtn wrote:
Hi there,
Thanks for introducing me to rewrite directive. Just to confirm, this is how
I should use your rewrite:
root /home/www/example;
location /public/doc/ {
rewrite (.)/(.) $1/$2/$2.html break;
It can work outside of all locations, or else in the one location that
handles this request.
So this config can work.
Ideally, for the other cases you raised, I want the following to happen:
when the query string (e.g. ?para=blah) part is missing or incomplete, I
want to serve a generic error page (e.g. /error.html)
The above rewrite pays no attention to query strings.
So you’ll want to do something based on $arg_para – maybe an “if”
or something involving “map”.
I guess (without testing):
if ($arg_para != data) { return 404; }
inside that location{} would probably work.
when the user tries to access the actual html page directly, I want to block
it by either returning a 404 or serving a generic error page as above
The above rewrite does that (assuming that the “rewritten” file is
when the user queries an URI that has no corresponding .html file on the
server, I want to simply return a 404.
The above rewrite does that; but which html file should it look for
/home/www/example/public/doc/one/two/two.html, or
(As in: do you repeat everything after /public/doc, or do you repeat
just the final after-slash part?)
Can all these be implemented using rewrite only? Thanks.
With the extra “if” above, I think so.
Your testing should be able to show any problems, or unexpected
Francis D. [email protected]