URI::InvalidURIError when using curly brackets

I’ve been experimenting using open-uri to retrieve HTML from various
sites and have spent the past couple of days searching for an answer to
my problem. One page I’ve been trying to access contains a GUID in the
querystring and it has curly brackets around it. This is my code (I’m
just using Google for this example):

require ‘open-uri’

uri =
URI.parse(‘{3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A-0C-03-05-E8-2C-33-01} - Google Search’)
html = open(uri).read()

But I get the following error:

URI::InvalidURIError in DemoController#index

bad URI(is not URI?):

RAILS_ROOT: /code/public/…/config/…

/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/uri/common.rb:432:in split' /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/uri/common.rb:481:in parse’
#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/scrape_controller.rb:10:in `index’

From what I’ve found, curly brackets aren’t allowed in a Ruby URI
(despite my browser being capable of handling them). I’ve tried encoding
them with %7B and %7D but then the page is called with the encoded
version, which in my case, the site isn’t expecting and it doesn’t work.

Is there a way to allow curly brackets in my URI? or another method to
download HTML which does?


On Wed, 28 Jun 2006, Richard Leonard wrote:

html = open(uri).read()
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/uri/common.rb:432:in `split’


=> #<URI::HTTP:0xfdba8216c


On Wed, 28 Jun 2006 [email protected] wrote:

=> #<URI::HTTP:0xfdba8216c

sorry. hit send too soon - here’s the rest:

irb(main):002:0> f = open uri
=> #<File:/tmp/open-uri11746.1>

irb(main):003:0> f.read.size
=> 17004

so encoding seems to work for me?



The URL I’m actually trying to get is:

If you try that after passing it to URI.encode then the HTML I download
is their homepage - not the search results page you get if you paste
that into a browser.

Any ideas?

Richard Leonard wrote:

From what I’ve found, curly brackets aren’t allowed in a Ruby URI
(despite my browser being capable of handling them).

Browsers lie.

require ‘open-uri’
require ‘cgi’
uri =
URI.parse(‘Google’ +
html = open(uri).read()

p html

James B.

“Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally
for machines to execute.”

  • H. Abelson and G. Sussman
    (in "The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs)