First thing: the quiz name is off. Really, it should properly have
been called “Up Since…”, as we’re looking for the time of reboot.
The uptime
command was in my mind, though, which is why the title is
There are a number of ways to attack this problem, as shown in the
variety of the solutions. First, let’s look at “the right way” to
solve this problem: use a library or module that does the work for
you. Such was Daniel B.'s solution, shown here:
require 'sys/uptime'
p Sys::Uptime.uptime
Unfortunately, this didn’t work on my machine, and hopefully that’s
only because of an outdated version of rb-sys-uptime, or some similar
reason. I’ll take Daniel’s word that this works on his, though I
wonder whether he’s returning the uptime or the time of last reboot
(as requested). Still, with such a module that abstracts the platform
differences, this is an easy win… if you get it to work. (Offhand,
this seems to be a Darwin, i.e. Mac OS X, module; if true, then it’s
not “the right way” for other platforms.)
Let’s go on to the submission from Erik H., which isn’t even
Ruby code.
last | grep reboot | head -1
Sometimes the Unix way is the best way. Of course, you need to know
where this information resides, and there may still be platform
differences (along with significant command-line differences on
Windows), but this is a simple and quick one-liner that requires only
a few common tools.
Let’s look now at some Ruby code. We’ll look first at Jesus
Gabriel’s second submission:
captures = (`uptime`.match /up (?:(?:(\d+)
days,)?\s+(\d+):(\d+)|(\d+) min)/).captures
elapsed_seconds =[86440, 3600, 60, 60]).inject(0) do
|total, (x,y)|
total + (x.nil? ? 0 : x.to_i * y)
puts “Last reboot was on #{ - elapsed_seconds}”
The uptime information is gathered from the call to uptime
. Note the
backticks, which indicate that this is a shell command to be executed,
and its output returned. The output is matched against a regular
expression, containing a number of groups, several of which are
optional. Four of those groups, however, are returned, to match
against days, hours or minutes passed. (The minutes may be grouped in
one of two ways.)
The captured results are paired up with the array [86440, 3600, 60, 60]
, each entry corresponding to the number of seconds in a day, hour
or minute. Finally, using inject, the total number of seconds since
the last reboot is determined. Subtracting this from
results in the time of the last reboot.
A few comments… As was mentioned on the mailing list, the regular
expression to match the output of uptime
is fragile. A few
variations were shown to exist. A more complex regular expression
might be able to capture more variants, though the better answer is
not to call uptime
as a shell command, but rather use the
appropriate system services to access the information directly.
However, all this parsing is a direct result of my asking for it, so
for this quiz, I’m not too concerned about this problem.
What I found a bit interesting (or confusing) was the different
classes available for date/time information: Date
, Time
. My own solution used DateTime
, which I wrongly assumed I
would need (thinking Time
was only time information). I should have
explored more, since the Time
solution seems simpler.
Additionally, one subtracts days from DateTime
objects, but
subtracts seconds from Time
objects. Time
supports a now
method, while DateTime
does not. I expect there is some amount of
logic to these classes, but it seems to have escaped me this time
One last comment on Jesus’ solution. The uptime
shell command
provides the current time simultaneously with the elapsed time since
last reboot. Yet his solution uses
rather than the provide
time. For this quiz, it’s not big thing: the answer would, at most, be
off by one minute. Still, it may be an important consideration for
other scripts to preserve the matching time, to ensure accuracy.
Make sure to take a look at the other solutions. In particular, the
Windows solution from Gordon T. which makes use of an
operating system module to get the last reboot time directly. Also,
from Jesse M. is a solution that access the process file