Upstream sent too many data while reading


I use 1.1.5 my error.log

upstream sent too many data while reading upstream

how to fix it …

Posted at Nginx Forum:


On Sun, Oct 09, 2011 at 03:34:23AM -0400, codetr wrote:


I use 1.1.5 my error.log

upstream sent too many data while reading upstream

how to fix it …

Your backend tries to send more data than advertized in
Content-Length header. Fixing backend may be a good idea.

Maxim D.

How do I make it

Posted at Nginx Forum:

pls help me my system
reverse proxy nginx use to nginx 1.1.5
WHM 11.30.4 (build 6)
CENTOS 4.9 x86_64 virtuozzo

Posted at Nginx Forum:

So why, at the same time each day nginx closes

Posted at Nginx Forum:


On Sun, Oct 09, 2011 at 06:47:52PM -0400, codetr wrote:

How do I make it

Log line in question contains request and backend server
responsible for request processing. The problem is not in nginx,
it’s in your backend. You have to find out problematic code in
your backend and fix it.

As I already said, problem is that your backend sent response with
Content-Length which doesn’t match length of actual data sent.
Most likely it’s some script which incorrectly calculates

Maxim D.

nginx closes every night; I could not find the cause …

my nginx.conf

user nobody;

no need for more workers in the proxy mode

worker_processes 4;

error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;
pid /var/run/;

worker_rlimit_nofile 8192;

events {
worker_connections 2048; # you might need to increase this setting for
busy servers
use epoll; # Linux kernels 2.4.x change to rtsig

http {
server_names_hash_max_size 8192;
server_names_hash_bucket_size 256;
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;

sendfile on;
tcp_nopush on;
tcp_nodelay on;

keepalive_timeout 70;
server_tokens off;

gzip on;
gzip_min_length 1100;
gzip_buffers 4 32k;
gzip_types text/plain application/x-javascript text/xml text/css;
ignore_invalid_headers on;

client_header_timeout 10;
client_body_timeout 10;
send_timeout 10;
connection_pool_size 256;
client_header_buffer_size 4k;
large_client_header_buffers 4 32k;
request_pool_size 4k;
output_buffers 4 32k;
postpone_output 1460;

include “/usr/local/nginx/conf/vhost.conf”;

Is there a line or the wrong value?

Posted at Nginx Forum:


On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 03:09:07PM -0400, codetr wrote:

nginx closes every night; I could not find the cause …

my nginx.conf

user nobody;

no need for more workers in the proxy mode

worker_processes 4;

error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;

Try using

error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log notice;

here, it will instruct nginx to log at “notice” level. This
includes system events like controlling signal. I.e. on getting
SIGINT nginx will log something like this:

2011/10/10 23:19:32 [notice] 24178#0: signal 2 (SIGINT) received,
2011/10/10 23:19:32 [notice] 24178#0: exit

I suspect the cause is some broken log-rotation script which kills
nginx instead of instructing it to reopen logs.

(This is completely unrelated to “upstream sent too many data”
messages though.)

Maxim D.


On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 02:02:59PM -0400, codetr wrote:

So why, at the same time each day nginx closes


Sorry, I cannot parse what you are trying to say.

Maxim D.

Hello Again;

this log… nginx closes every night at the same time

2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1824#0: signal 15 (SIGTERM) received,
2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1820#0: signal 15 (SIGTERM) received,
2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1819#0: signal 15 (SIGTERM) received,
2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1819#0: exiting
2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1818#0: signal 15 (SIGTERM) received,
2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1823#0: signal 15 (SIGTERM) received,
2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1823#0: exiting
2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1824#0: exiting
2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1820#0: exiting
2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1824#0: exit
2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1820#0: exit
2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1823#0: exit
2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1819#0: exit
2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1818#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1818#0: worker process 1819 exited with
code 0
2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1818#0: worker process 1820 exited with
code 0
2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1818#0: worker process 1823 exited with
code 0
2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1818#0: worker process 1824 exited with
code 0
2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1818#0: exit

Posted at Nginx Forum:


On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 02:33:25AM -0400, codetr wrote:

2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1819#0: exiting
2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1818#0: signal 15 (SIGTERM) received,
2011/10/11 03:24:37 [notice] 1823#0: signal 15 (SIGTERM) received,

Something sent SIGTERM to all nginx processes, and nginx exited
cleanly due to explicit request to do so. Check your scripts to
find out which one does it. (Looks like it’s ‘killall nginx’

Maxim D.

the problem continues please help

Posted at Nginx Forum:

killall nginx


service nginx restart

installed on my system
pcre 8.13

2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32588#0: signal 15 (SIGTERM) received,
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32589#0: signal 15 (SIGTERM) received,
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32589#0: exiting
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32591#0: signal 15 (SIGTERM) received,
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32591#0: exiting
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32589#0: exit
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32591#0: exit
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32593#0: signal 15 (SIGTERM) received,
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32593#0: exiting
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32593#0: exit
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32588#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32588#0: worker process 32591 exited with
code 0
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32588#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32592#0: signal 15 (SIGTERM) received,
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32592#0: exiting
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32588#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32588#0: worker process 32589 exited with
code 0
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32588#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32588#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32592#0: exit
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32588#0: worker process 32593 exited with
code 0
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32588#0: signal 29 (SIGIO) received
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32588#0: signal 17 (SIGCHLD) received
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32588#0: worker process 32592 exited with
code 0
2011/10/11 09:52:45 [notice] 32588#0: exit
2011/10/11 09:53:08 [notice] 3282#0: using the “epoll” event method
2011/10/11 09:53:08 [notice] 3282#0: nginx/1.1.5
2011/10/11 09:53:08 [notice] 3282#0: built by gcc 3.4.6 20060404 (Red
Hat 3.4.6-11)
2011/10/11 09:53:08 [notice] 3282#0: OS: Linux 2.6.18-028stab092.1
2011/10/11 09:53:08 [notice] 3282#0: getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE):
2011/10/11 09:53:08 [notice] 3283#0: start worker processes
2011/10/11 09:53:08 [notice] 3283#0: start worker process 3284
2011/10/11 09:53:08 [notice] 3283#0: start worker process 3285
2011/10/11 09:53:08 [notice] 3283#0: start worker process 3286
2011/10/11 09:53:08 [notice] 3283#0: start worker process 3288

Posted at Nginx Forum:


On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 04:33:41PM -0400, codetr wrote:

hey pls change topic subject nginx crash every night pls help me

As you were already told, from the information you’ve provided
it’s clear that there is no nginx crash. Instead, something on
your system kills it.

It’s mostly pointless to ask here for further help - it’s up to
you to investigate your system to find out problematic script.

Maxim D.

hey pls change topic subject nginx crash every night pls help me

Posted at Nginx Forum: