Uploading photos

Hi all,

Learning RoR (and loving it!) to develop a website. A requirement of the
website is enabling users to upload photos to be made viewable
(dynamically) on the website. Is this something I can develop with RoR?


Piece of cake… be sure to check out ‘rails paperclip’ via google. Tons
of useful examples.

with rails is a dream , i have an example app that i will update tonight
is for new comers and is well commented. if you want to i can give you
link. It will be ready by tomorrow.

Jeff S. wrote:

Hi all,

Learning RoR (and loving it!) to develop a website. A requirement of the
website is enabling users to upload photos to be made viewable
(dynamically) on the website. Is this something I can develop with RoR?

I’ve never done it, but lots of people have. All of them recommend the
Paperclip plugin. I think that’s the one point of complete unanimity in
the Rails community. :slight_smile:



Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

As a learner I have and still looking to find that same solution.
paperclip is a full blown gem. To a student it would be profitable if
anyone who knows how to do it in purely rails, would write a small

Say I have a form that includes submitting to other Models as well.
How do I do that?

<% form_for [@job], :html => {:multipart => true } do |f| %>
<%= f.error_messages %>

<%= f.label "title" %>
<%= f.text_field :title %>
"Senior Ruby Developer" or "HTML5 CSS3 Guru"
<dt><%= f.label "Location" %></dt>
  <%= f.text_field :location %>
  <span  class="hint">"Lincoln, UK", "Tallinn, Estonia", or



<% Catergory.all.each do |category| %>

  <label><%= f.radio_button :catergory_id, category.id %> <%=

category.name.titleize %>

<% end -%>

<dt class="tarea"><%= f.label "Job descripton" %></dt>
  <dd class="tarea"><%= f.text_area :description, :size => "70x20"


<dt class="tarea"><%= f.label "How you should apply" %></dt>
  <dd class="tarea">

  <%= f.text_area :apply, :size => "70x6" %>
  <span  class="hint">Example: Send your portfolio to

[email protected]

Now then, some`ing about your company. What should they know?
<%= f.label "Name" %>
<%= f.text_field :company %>
Example: 'Safarista Design', 'Safrista Jobs' or '37signals'
<dt><%= f.label :logo %></dt>
<%= f.file_field("upload") %>
<span class="hint">
  Optional &rarr; Your company logo will appear at the top of youur


190px wide is optimal. If larger we will resize it automatically.

<dt><%= f.label :url %></dt>
<%= f.text_field :url  %>
<span  class="hint">
  Ex: http://www.safarista.com
<dt><%= f.label :email %></dt>
<%= f.text_field :email %>
<span  class="hint">
  This is where we will send you a confirmation receipt of your

payment and listing.

<%= f.submit 'Step 2: Proceed to preview your ad →' %>

<% end %>

My Models are:

belongs_to :catergory

UPLOAD a file for the logo

def upload
uploaded_io = params[:job][:logo]
File.open(Rails.root.join(‘public’, ‘images’,
uploaded_io.original_filename), ‘w’) do |file|

has_many :jobs

This is still not working, the image does not upload. Why? Please help
in the simple inbuilt Rails. Am using v2.3.8

to upload files without paperclip, you have to save the image details in
db and create an attribute accessor

def uploaded_picture=(picture_field)
self.name =
’ ')
self.content_type = picture_field.content_type.chomp
self.data = picture_field.read

but i should warn you that it makes no sense to reinvent the wheel , and
there are many dangers for doing it the wrong way

I would think it is much simpler…

Be sure you have ImageMagick installed (or an alternative)
Be sure your migration defined the logo_file_name, logo_content_type,
logo_file_size in the jobs table.

My example:

class Stage < ActiveRecord::Base

cycling race stage

belongs to a race-year, like 2010 - Vuelta d’Espana

has many stage standings (rider finish order)

has attached images for the route

map and the elevation profile

belongs_to :raceyear
has_many :stagestandings

has_attached_file :map, :styles => {:thumb => ‘100x100>’}
has_attached_file :profile, :styles => {:thumb => ‘100x100>’}

<%= form_for @stage, :html => {:multipart => true} do |f| %>

blah blah blah, fields to select raceyear, enter the stage name,
description, terrain and distance, relevant image upload fields

<%= f.label :map %> <%= f.file_field :map %>

<%= f.label :profile %> <%= f.file_field :profile %>

<%= f.submit %> <% end %>

Paperclip does all the heavy lifting.

Mr. Winnymann wrote:

As a learner I have and still looking to find that same solution.
paperclip is a full blown gem. To a student it would be profitable if
anyone who knows how to do it in purely rails, would write a small

You have an example: the Paperclip source code.

And if you’re a beginner, then you definitely should not be trying to
rewrite Paperclip.

BTW, you shouldn’t be using

for your forms; they’re not
semantically definition lists.

Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]