Uploading any type of file faster in rails

Hi all,

I am working in rails (1.2.6 version), i developed file upload using
file_column plugin in my application, it is working fine, but thought
it is bit slow.
i need another upload system that make the rails faster for upload and
should match for my version (1.2.6). Instead of uploading a single file
(eg:10 mb file).

i) Can we split the file into say 5 mb,5mb. in the client side and
both splited file by running multiple thread in serverside ?. (Is that
possible ?)
ii) Which upload system/technic/plugin is faster and efficient for this
version (1.2.6) ?
iii) How can we create file upload like facebook, it is very fast, they
provide plugin for client side and upload the file in background. ?
iv) which plugin good for upload
a). **Act as Attachement
b). Paper clip
c). attachment_fu

v) Required:
a) Easy integration with rmagick or similar image processing plugins

b) Simple to use and customize

vi) Nice to have:
a) Multiple uploads
b) progress bar

Rejoice + o +
Arun K. .J

On 08 Mar 2010, at 11:43, Arun K. wrote:

I am working in rails (1.2.6 version), i developed file upload
using file_column plugin in my application, it is working fine, but
thought that it is bit slow.
i need another upload system that make the rails faster for upload
and it should match for my version (1.2.6). Instead of uploading a
single file (eg:10 mb file).

i) Can we split the file into say 5 mb,5mb. in the client side and
upload both splited file by running multiple thread in
serverside ?. (Is that possible ?)

The upload speed of the file will in 99% of all cases be determined by
the maximum upload speed on the client side. If the user’s upload is
capped to 128kbit/sec, nothing is going to make it faster. Another
reason could be you are hosting your app on a shared host, moving to a
more appropriate VPS host close to your location is your way to go
then. If you’re hosting internally and your app is slow, then your
server might not be up to the task anymore.

ii) Which upload system/technic/plugin is faster and efficient for
this version (1.2.6) ?

They are all equally fast, the bottleneck isn’t on the server side.

iii) How can we create file upload like facebook, it is very fast,
they provide plugin for client side and upload the file in
background. ?

You can read the whole background about the facebook upload plugin at:

Good luck programming a similar plugin yourself, as far as I know
Facebook hasn’t opensourced it. It’s a very nice thing they did btw,
the uploads actually aren’t faster than normal, facebook developers
have just been able to make the perception of the upload time
different by using their local thumbnailing and background uploading.
This is all clientside of course and has nothing to do with the

iv) which plugin good for upload
a). Act as Attachement
b). Paper clip
c). attachment_fu

Paperclip is the plugin I currently prefer, but I’m not sure if it’s
still compatible with your very old Rails version. Acts as attachment
is an even older version of attachment_fu and should be avoided.

v) Required:
a) Easy integration with rmagick or similar image processing
b) Simple to use and customize

They all do that. It comes down to what API you prefer. Read the docs
and decide from there. Do know that RMagick is a hefty library and it
uses quite a good chunk of memory. If you want to process files, make
sure your server is up to the task (i.e. don’t make it run on a
Commodore 64 that already has 500 other PHP forums running on it).

vi) Nice to have:
a) Multiple uploads
b) progress bar

This is clientside technology and can be achieved with either a Flash
based uploader (SWFupload for example), Java applet (don’t know any
cos I dislike Java apps in my browser) or a serverside upload monitor
like mongrel_upload_progress. They all require quite good knowledge of
the technology you’re using. Flash based uploaders use Javascript for
the most part, so you’d better be comfortable with it. Simply googling
for “rails multiple upload” should give you enough pointers to get

Best regards

Peter De Berdt

Hi Peter,

I got clear idea from ur reply. So i stay back with file_column plugin,
what i need is a very simple progress bar to show the upload status
i googled for mongrel_upload_progress but i didn’t find any clear doc,
please suggest me on this. I need to implement very simple progress bar,
there any sample swfupload application available for rails like PHP,
Actually i don’t need multiple upload feature i need just upload

Thanks in advance.

Thanks Peter De Berdt,

The explanation clear and cool, will check with that and come back again
nice discussion with you.

On 10 Mar 2010, at 07:37, Arun K. wrote:

I got clear idea from ur reply. So i stay back with file_column
plugin, now what i need is a very simple progress bar to show the
upload status
i googled for mongrel_upload_progress but i didn’t find any clear
doc, please suggest me on this. I need to implement very simple
progress bar, Is there any sample swfupload application available
for rails like PHP, Asp. Actually i don’t need multiple upload
feature i need just upload progress bar.

I doubt there will be one for the old Rails version you are using, but
should help you. Another big help would be to read the docs from the
component you are using instead of looking for prechewed food.

Some links that immediately stand out:

Good luck!

Best regards

Peter De Berdt