On Wed, Apr 06, 2011 at 12:09:22AM -0400, vetri wrote:
Hi there,
what did u do to upload files ? can u give me your code ?and
It is absolutely normal cgi-type programming. There’s probably a forum
for that somewhere else.
For example, the following php script called my-form-handler:
header("Content-Type: text/plain");
print("GET: "); print_r($_GET);
print("POST: "); print_r($_POST);
print("FILES: "); print_r($_FILES);
with the following nginx config snippet:
include fastcgi.conf;
location = /my-form-handler {
fastcgi_pass unix:php.sock;
will show you what you get when you GET or POST to /my-form-handler.
You can then adjust that script to do whatever you want it to do with
your own input.
how to use stock nginx can we really upload files using stock nginx?
Yes: you use stock nginx plus your own form handler; or nginx plus
module plus your own form handler.
But you still have to have your own form handler.
If you use upload module, then you can use
upload_pass /my-form-handler;
among the rest of the upload module config.
Test with something like
curl -i -F f=@testfile -F submit=on http://localhost/my-form-handler
curl -i -F f=@testfile -F submit=on http://localhost/upload
As it happens, the php engine does some of what the upload module does,
as regards processing the input stream and splitting it into files. So
you may see a bigger benefit to using upload module if you use a
backend technology.
But it looks like the nginx side of the problem is resolved, unless you
have a specific follow-up question.
Good luck with it,
Francis D. [email protected]