Upload file with url parameter

I want to upload file using get method.
for example, “http://www.mydomain.com/upload?file=c:\test.exe” upload
my local file to the remote server.
I found one useful link about file uploading here(http://
Ruby on Rails - File Uploading | Tutorialspoint).
Even I’ve changed some code in order to fit my rails version, it
worked well. But the problem is I have use tag.

I don’t know how [view] make UploadedFile and pass it to [controller]
and I tried to find how create UploadedFile. But failed :frowning:

Anyway, how can I upload my local file using above style url?

help me plz, thx

I just want the client(kind a application running automatically) to
upload file to the web server as it wants.

How do I do this?

On 5¿ù11ÀÏ, ¿ÀÈÄ5½Ã53ºÐ, Frederick C. [email protected]

On May 11, 7:52 am, “hongseok.com[email protected] wrote:

Anyway, how can I upload my local file using above style url?

If you want to just pass the path of the file that won’t work - the
file needs to be part of the request body. In theory get requests can
have a request body, but certainly in browser land this isn’t common.
it might just work if you set the form’s method to get (don’t forget
to make the form multipart).
Why is this important ?


On May 11, 11:11 am, “hongseok.com[email protected] wrote:

I just want the client(kind a application running automatically) to
upload file to the web server as it wants.

How do I do this?

you’ll need to construct an appropriate post request (read up on
multipart post requests) containing the file


This is exactly what I’ve been trying to do all day. Not as easy as
you’d think. There are absolutely no examples of this available

It’s a wonder that people haven’t been trying to do this for a while
'cause it has many different uses, like streaming data directly
through the 80 port when all other ports are blocked.


On May 11, 12:39 pm, Frederick C. [email protected]

Unless either someone develops a wonderful (i use the term very
loosely) exploit or I misunderstand what you’re trying to do here,
there is no way to do what you’re trying to do. Neither Javascript,
Flash, nor Java (unless the user’s insane and sets up their JVM to do
this) can automatically read/serialize/change the value of a field to
a local file. For very obvious security reasons, the only way to
upload a file with a web browser is for the user to actively select
the file they want, and then to send that in a POST request (GETs will
not work as you cannot serialize the file data).

Hi Bennet,

On 12 May 2009, at 13:07, PyroHiroshi wrote:

This is exactly what I’ve been trying to do all day. Not as easy as
you’d think. There are absolutely no examples of this available

The mechanize gem makes file uploads a no-brainer…

Check out their example script which automates file uploads to Flickr
in 10 or so lines of Ruby code:


Also check out the mechanize homepage for more examples and API


Mechanize FTW! :wink:


The only way to do anything like that would be to have the user install
a client on their computer. For example, you can upload arbitrary files
using adobe air. But otherwise, is verboten.


Starr H.
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