Upgrading ruby version - is there a command line/gems upgrad


Re upgrading to the latest version of Ruby is there a command line /
type upgrade approach, or do I need to download the “*Ruby 1.8.5
version (
recommended)” and use this to update my windows install?


ok - so just run the install executable over my existing installation
then I

On 10/16/06, Greg H. [email protected] wrote:


Re upgrading to the latest version of Ruby is there a command line / gems
type upgrade approach, or do I need to download the “*Ruby 1.8.5 One-Click
Installer http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/12751/ruby185-21.exeStable
version (
recommended)” and use this to update my windows install?


I don’t think anything like that exists. There was a thread sometimes
ago about preserving installed gems across installation (I don’t
remember what they did come to).

Greg H. wrote:

ok - so just run the install executable over my existing installation
then I

Just be aware that it will probably wipe out anything in your ruby
directory, including gems and anything else, last I heard.
