Upgraded to 1.5.10 - Site Still SPDY/2?

I upgraded my Nginx reverse proxy to 1.5.10 using the official Ubuntu
Precise Nginx packages, but my site is still reporting SPDY/2 in Chrome.
I need to do something more drastic than issuing a kill -HUP on the
process to load the new Nginx binary? Or am I missing something else?

Posted at Nginx Forum:


On 2/4/14, 9:38 PM, mevans336 wrote:

I upgraded my Nginx reverse proxy to 1.5.10 using the official Ubuntu
Precise Nginx packages, but my site is still reporting SPDY/2 in Chrome. Do
I need to do something more drastic than issuing a kill -HUP on the master
process to load the new Nginx binary? Or am I missing something else?

HUP reloads the configuration.

USR2 upgrades the binary.

Jim O.

“Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the
difference.” - Mark Twain

Bingo. Now Chrome is reporting spdy/3. Thanks!

Posted at Nginx Forum: