Upgrade to 0.8.1, extensions failing (multi_site, reorder..)


I’m having a hell of a time trying to get 0.8.1 working for me, with any
extensions that manipulate the admin navigation system.

With multi_site I’m getting this error:

undefined method `nav’ for #Radiant::AdminUI:0x103618b78

This is the same error for a fresh Radiant project, with just Ray and
multi-site installed. I say “installed”, it fails on running the
migration task, complaining of the above error and disabling the
extension. Enabling it and manually migrating or even just running the
server returns the same error…

Using OS X 10.6.2, stock Ruby, all Gems updated…

WTF?! Looking at the changelogs et al, there’s mention of these
extensions being updated for 0.9, so I can’t imagine that they’ve been
overlooked and are broken, so why is it failing without cause on my

Thanks in advance.

Jonathan McCoy wrote:


I’m having a hell of a time trying to get 0.8.1 working for me, with any
extensions that manipulate the admin navigation system.

With multi_site I’m getting this error:
undefined method `nav’ for #Radiant::AdminUI:0x103618b78

Try this:

  1. open the file multi_site_extension.rb (it’s located in the plugin’s
  2. comment row 28: #admin.nav[:settings] << …
  3. add a row: admin.tabs.add(“Sites”, “/admin/sites”)

It should become something like this:

def activate
require ‘multi_site/route_extensions’
require ‘multi_site/route_set_extensions’
Page.send :include, MultiSite::PageExtensions
SiteController.send :include, MultiSite::SiteControllerExtensions
Admin::PagesController.send :include,
admin.pages.index.add :bottom, “site_subnav”
–> #admin.nav[:settings] << admin.nav_item(“Sites”, “Sites”,
–> admin.tabs.add(“Sites”, “/admin/sites”)
@sites = load_default_regions

Thanks in advance.

Tell me if it works!


Fabrizio Ruatta wrote:

Tell me if it works!
… I forgot to also say this:

in the 2 files:

remove the first line (ie: - body_classes << “reversed” )


Fabrizio Ruatta wrote:

Fabrizio Ruatta wrote:

Tell me if it works!
… I forgot to also say this:

in the 2 files:

remove the first line (ie: - body_classes << “reversed” )


Hi Fabrizio,

I tried a freshly built Radiant app with the same plugins I use, and it
worked without any mods. The only difference (minus the DB settings),
was the Rakefile, which lo and behold, contained Vlad. Commenting out
Vlad makes the original app work perfectly.

After a bit of research, it turns out it’s related to the use of
‘export’ in the routes (for the import/export controller) which is
clashing with Vlad. By undef’ing export after Vlad is declared, it
actually solves the problem. Looks like the routes in Radiant need
cleaning up a bit?
