This is my first message to the lis.I have GnuRadio 3.1.2 running on
I have downloaded the RDS code from here:
The code does not work with 3.1.2, I have had to change gr.flow_graph to
gr.top_block, blks to blks2, etc
Is there any guide to upgrading old code to work with the new GnuRadio
As a secondary question, Martin D. declared on this list on 04 Jun 2007
that he intended to work on RDS. Martin, have you gotten anywhere?
Dimitris S. wrote:
Is there any guide to upgrading old code to work with the new GnuRadio
To convert to the new blocks just change the python words
From: To:
fg tb
gr.flow_graph gr.top_block
fftsink fftsink2
scopesink scopesink2
numbersink numbersink2
waterfallsink waterfallsink2
stdgui.gui_flow_graph stdgui2.std_top_block
stdgui.stdapp stdgui2.stdapp
stdgui stdgui2
my_graph my_top_block
fg.start tb.start
fg=my_graph tb=my_top_block
fg.stop tb.stop
fg.wait tb.wait
fg.connect tb.connect
fg.disconnect tb.disconnect
fg.disconnect_all tb.disconnect_all
blks blks2
off course, changing the words from ‘fg’ to ‘tb’ is just for naming
conventions purposes.
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Sent from the GnuRadio mailing list archive at
Thank you Firas (and thank you for the User Manual).
What would you think of creating a page on the gnuradio wiki to put all
information, to make it available to others?
I also found another one that needs replacing: from hier_block to
hier_block2. But this one is more complicated, because also the
Dimitris S. wrote:
 > What would you think of creating a page on the gnuradio wiki to put
all this information
 to make it available to others?
I think there is always a need for such things, but the project is being
developed so rapidly (which is technically great) in away that forces us
to slowdown in thinking of a strategic plane to build wiki documents,
tutorials, Howto,…etc.
If you thing this is strange let me give you an example. Before few
months, I sent a patch for source ‘blks’ documentation. This patch was
not applied because 'blks’Â itself were removed from the trunk after two
weeks due to the project developments.
So, I think we should wait for a major release to be finished (may be
after applying m-block and inband signalling) to start (as I hope) a
massive but organized documentation efforts. In this efforts we are
going to need the contribution from all gnuradio users.
The documents that were previously published (the manual and the usrp)
was downloaded from more than 1780 users (from my rapidshare account
only). If we can have a documentation contribution from only 1% of them
then we can add something to this fantastic project.
Best Regards,