Upgrade nginx.net

This is a little silly, but shouldn’t poor old nginx.net be upgraded
from nginx 0.6.31 to the current stable production release? :wink:

On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 7:23 PM, Mark M.[email protected] wrote:

This is a little silly, but shouldn’t poor old nginx.net be upgraded from
nginx 0.6.31 to the current stable production release? :wink:

It is?

The development stable versions are nginx-0.8.0, nginx/Windows-0.8.0,
the change log.
The latest stable versions are nginx-0.7.59, nginx/Windows-0.7.59, the
change log.
The latest legacy stable version is nginx-0.6.37, the change log.

He’s saying the actual website’s server software that is serving the
information about Nginx should be updated to the latest version of

Kevin W.

I think Mark meant the nginx that runs nginx.net:

$ curl -sI http://nginx.net | grep Server
Server: nginx/0.6.31

Thanks Eden and Kevin, that’s what I meant.

Support upgrade. :slight_smile:

Posted at Nginx Forum:

I think that’s is the minus important in a web site that handle static
content in mas parts of the website.
I know people using 0.5 version of nginx yet.!


Right. “If It Works, Don’t Fix It!”
