Upgarde from rails 2.3.5 to rails 2.3.8


I upgraded my rails application rails 2.3.8 from 2.3.5 like below

gem install rails -v=2.3.8

Now in environemnt.rb   RAILS_GEM_VERSION changed to  '2.3.8'. Now

when I tried to a previous migration like

rake db:migrate VERSION=20100714122104

 I got warning like

DEPRECATION WARNING: Rake tasks in vendor/plugins/delayed_job/tasks,
vendor/plugins/paperclip/tasks, vendor/plugins/seed-fu/tasks,
vendor/plugins/simple_captcha/tasks, vendor/plugins/tabs_on_rails/tasks,
and vendor/plugins/xss_terminate/tasks are deprecated. Use lib/tasks
instead. (called from

 I would like to know why this message shown? Is it any problem? If

it is, how to resolve it?


2.3.8 attempts to give deprecation notices for things which will go away
in Rails 3.0 & later. In this case it is saying that several of your
plugins should place their rake tasks into the lib directory. While
this won’t cause any problems in your app, it is good to start resolving
the warnings to be better prepared for future updates. You may also
want to consider using the gem versions of those plugins if available as
that will also eliminate the deprecation notices. Also with Bundler,
the days of needing to vendor gems are for the most part gone. You can
use Bundler with 2.3.8 (I am) & it can make things much easier for you
in terms of dependency management.
