I have a database shared between a Rails app (gui) and a Java app
(daemon). When the java app periodically updates the database, this
isn’t reflected in Ferret indexes visible via acts_as_ferret in Rails.
How do I trigger re-indexing? Do I just make my Java daemon delete the
index files, or is there something cleverer than that…?
On Thu, Jan 18, 2007 at 05:09:31PM +0100, Scott Wilson wrote:
I have a database shared between a Rails app (gui) and a Java app
(daemon). When the java app periodically updates the database, this
isn’t reflected in Ferret indexes visible via acts_as_ferret in Rails.
How do I trigger re-indexing? Do I just make my Java daemon delete the
index files, or is there something cleverer than that…?
you could have some backgroundrb process regularly check your records
for changes (i.e. by checking a ‘to_index’ flag or just the updated_at
value). That process could then call ferret_update on the records that
have been updated.
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