Earlier I forgot to add updated_at and created_at columns for my
HABTM relationship so I created a migration to add them. In the
migration I also want to go back and set the value of the created_at
and updated_at columns for the previous rows. What is the best way
to do that?
Initially I thought I was being smart and decided to put an UPDATE
SQL query in a find_by_sql statement and then I could not deal with
it’s uglyness. Any much wiser suggestions?
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I don’t know whether this is the best way, but it’s the only way I know
to do it with migrations. Use an exec statement to do things you can’t
do with the migration interface.
exec( ‘UPDATE thetable SET updated_at = NOW()’ )
John K. wrote:
Earlier I forgot to add updated_at and created_at columns for my
HABTM relationship so I created a migration to add them. In the
migration I also want to go back and set the value of the created_at
and updated_at columns for the previous rows. What is the best way
to do that?
Initially I thought I was being smart and decided to put an UPDATE
SQL query in a find_by_sql statement and then I could not deal with
it’s uglyness. Any much wiser suggestions?
============================================================ http://www.soen.info - Index of online software engineering knowledge http://www.cusec.net - Canadian University Software Engineering
Conference http://www.soenlive.com - Presentations from CUSEC
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