Updated 802.11b code

I’ve finally gotten back around to messing with the 802.11b code - and
getting it working with hier_block2. I seem to have gotten stuck with
an error regarding insufficient output ports, and I’ve forgotten how I
tracked down the source of this error before. So I’m attaching my
current code, along with the error in hopes that someone can point me in
the right direction:
The error:
sudo ./bbn_80211b_rx.py -f 2412e6 -d 4 -b -v
Bits Per Encoded Sample = 8
adc frequency = 64000000
decimation frequency = 4
input_rate = 16000000
gain = 45.0
desired freq = 2412000000.0
Samples per data bit = 8
CRC Check is True
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “./bbn_80211b_rx.py”, line 182, in
main ()
File “./bbn_80211b_rx.py”, line 178, in main
“/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/gnuradio/gr/top_block.py”, line
45, in start
line 1461, in start
return _gnuradio_swig_py_runtime.gr_top_block_sptr_start(*args)
RuntimeError: bbn_dpsk_demod_cb(5): insufficient connected output ports
(1 needed, 0 connected)

My version of bbn_80211b.py is attached, and it uses the UofUtah/SPAN
firmware to do the despreading in the FPGA (bbn_80211b_rx.py is
essentially unchanged except to use hier_block2 and gr.topblock).

Any help is appreciated,

Doug G.
Research Assistant
Communications and Signal Processing Lab
Oklahoma State University
[email protected]
[email protected]

Douglas G. wrote:

I’ve finally gotten back around to messing with the 802.11b code - and
getting it working with hier_block2. I seem to have gotten stuck with
an error regarding insufficient output ports, and I’ve forgotten how I
tracked down the source of this error before. So I’m attaching my
current code, along with the error in hopes that someone can point me in
the right direction:

Hi all,

Side note, but I added the BBN code to CGRAN if people want to register
accounts and update the code in a shared repository there. The changes
can then be pushed in to the GNU Radio repository if the powers to be
want the code merged in there.

  • George