I’m new to Ruby and Rails and trying to use it to work on a project for
my website.
I have a Shopify store, which I can access my products.xml feed through
the API, Shopify feed sample attached.
I have another feed from the wholesaler I use that has the latest stock
levels. Whole feed sample attached.
The common link between the two is the SKU code, as I added all of the
products with the same code. The attribute for the stock level isn’t the
same. On the wholesale feed it’s with Shopify using
I’m trying to work out how to take the wholesale feed, and combine it
into my product feed, which I can then regularly apply to my Shopify
store to keep it updated with the latest stock levels.
I’ve been reading a lot, testing Nokogiri and the builder, but I’m not
sure if I’m going about this the right way. Currently I think the way
forward is to parse both feeds into the same MySQL database and then
build a new XML file from that to update Shopify.
However is there a way that I can have the wholesale XML feed check it’s
SKU code against my Shopify XML, update the attribute field for stock
level and append it to the correct product?
My skill level is low, so I’m prepared for this to take awhile, but
hoping someone can steer me in the right direction so I’m doing it
correctly (keeping in mind that I’m sure there are multiple ways to do
Paul Osborne wrote in post #972462:
I have a Shopify store, which I can access my products.xml feed through
the API, Shopify feed sample attached.
I have another feed from the wholesaler I use that has the latest stock
levels. Whole feed sample attached.
The common link between the two is the SKU code, as I added all of the
products with the same code. The attribute for the stock level isn’t the
same. On the wholesale feed it’s with Shopify using
I’m trying to work out how to take the wholesale feed, and combine it
into my product feed, which I can then regularly apply to my Shopify
store to keep it updated with the latest stock levels.
From taking a quick glance at the Shopify API I’d do something like the
Create a cross-reference table storing item ids from Shopify and SKUs
that you’ll use to match between Shopify and you wholesaler.
Include in that cross-reference the latest inventory quantity, and a
flag indicating whether or not the value needs updating in Shopify.
| id | shopify_id | sku | quantity | update |
| 1 | 25 | IPOD2008RED | 10 | false |
| 2 | 234 | IPOD2008BLACK | 15 | true |
Parse the product feed from Shopify to initialize the cross-reference
with the current inventory quantity levels.
Periodically fetch and parse the wholesaler feed to update the
cross-reference. While update set the update flag for only quantity
values that have changed since the last update.
Find all cross-reference records flagged for update, and use the
Shopify API to update only the quantities that have changed.
PUT /admin/products/#{id}.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Thanks Robert. Your post helped me move forward with this.
I’ve made good progress and have parsed both XML files into one table to
make it simple, I’m now working on getting that data to my Shopify
Thoroughly impressed with Ruby, and especially ActiveRecord so far.
Hi Paul,
I read your post this morning as I’m setting out to achieve exactly the
same objective - updating Shopify with inventory levels from a remote
XML (wholesale) feed.
I’ve got a ROR Shopify app up and running so am set with the
authentication side.
Would be really keen to hear how you got on with your project and
whether you’d be able to offer any advice.
Many thanks,