Update of nginx


I am encountering a problem while updating my nginx server.

I first configured and built the new version 1.1.11.
I then stopped the server, checked it has been done, executed the make
install and checked the configuration with the ‘-t’ option which was OK.
I then started the new version, but I am still seeing the 1.0.9 number
the header of the pages loaded in my browser. I hit F5 several times to
sure it wasn’t the cache.

What did I miss?

Thanks for your help,

B. R.

在 2011-12-13二的 01:35 -0500,B.R.写道:

times to be sure it wasn’t the cache.

What did I miss?

Thanks for your help,

B. R.

nginx mailing list
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make sure that you’ve make UNINSTALL the old version fully.
check the version,by which nginx -v.

Best regards,
Sharl.Jimh.Tsin (From China Obviously Taiwan INCLUDED)

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On 13 Dez 2011 06h35 WET, [email protected] wrote:

the header of the pages loaded in my browser. I hit F5 several times
to be sure it wasn’t the cache.

F5 -> usually reload (loads from cache if possible - check network
panel on firebug or chrome browser inspector for confirmation)

Ctrl + F5 -> reload without fetching from cache.

What did I miss?

Perhaps the above.

Also try to use something like curl for checking, not a browser:

curl -I

Check the headers.

— appa

Hi everyone,

First of all: shame on me! :oP

I deleted the whole nginx directory, reinstalled the new version… and
headers still got stuck on 1.0.9…
Then… I discovered that the executable used was /usr/local/sbin/nginx
not /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx… Is the first file a link? Yes, but

I wiped it out, recreated it as symbolic and now I get the 1.1.11 up and
running :o)

Thanks for your time btw,

B. R.

Thanks Sharl, Antonio,

Sharl, I used the ‘sudo make install’ command to be sure the install
get the admin rights.
‘which nginx’ won’t work, but ‘/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -v’ gives me
1.1.11 version.

Antonio, I tried your commands, but I already had my browser configured
that its cache is deleted when I exit.
I tried again this morning after I booted my computer again and I still
gets the 1.0.9 header version…

I made a chown on the /usr/local/nginx’ directory so the nginx user and
group not related to it are the owners of all the files inside. I
having seen some subdirectories (such as ‘conf’) owned by the user root
not nginx.
Does that could have an impact? I doubt it, since the ‘other’ rights are
still set to ‘read’. It was maybe one of my ‘security’ tweaks of which I
don’t really know the useness.

If anyone has an idea apart from wiping out the whole directory (which
would be far away the ‘hot update’ feature idea planted in nginx), I
be glad to take it…

B. R.

thank you

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