Update nginx with Ubuntu PPA

I am upgrading nginx to latest 1.4.1 using PPA. repository.

  1. After install, do I need to restart it manually, or it is restarted
  2. Is reload enough for the nginx upgrade? Or do I need to restart or


On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 10:13 AM, howard chen [email protected]

I am upgrading nginx to latest 1.4.1 using PPA. repository.

  1. After install, do I need to restart it manually, or it is restarted
  2. Is reload enough for the nginx upgrade? Or do I need to restart or

If you are using the apt-get upgrade or aptitude upgrade commands, the
service will be restarted for you.

You may want to run sudo nginx -t to check for errors.

openletter Wrote:

If you are using the apt-get upgrade or aptitude upgrade commands, the
service will be restarted for you.

This might be a little off topic, but how can one upgrade nginx on
with the official ppa via apt without having a restart of nginx but an
upgrade instead? (/etc/init.d/nginx upgrade)

Posted at Nginx Forum:

On Tuesday 23 July 2013 12:24:38 JackB wrote:

openletter Wrote:

If you are using the apt-get upgrade or aptitude upgrade commands, the
service will be restarted for you.

This might be a little off topic, but how can one upgrade nginx on ubuntu
with the official ppa via apt without having a restart of nginx but an
upgrade instead? (/etc/init.d/nginx upgrade)

Please note, there is no “official ppa”.

Official nginx repositories for Ubuntu (and other Linux ditros) are

wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev


On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 10:29 AM, Valentin V. Bartenev [email protected]

Please note, there is no “official ppa”.

Official nginx repositories for Ubuntu (and other Linux ditros) are here:
nginx: Linux packages

wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev

Yes, there is no official PPA.

The PPA I and many others use is unofficial, but seems to be well
maintained (thanks for that, whoever you are).

Someone wanting to use the same unofficial repository may execute the

add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable
apt-get update
apt-get install nginx

If you want to use the devel version, then replace ppa:nginx/stable
with ppa:nginx/development

If you don’t have add-apt-repository, then apt-get install

You can download and extract the package and replace all files.
But you will have to load the new binary at one time.

I might be wrong - but I suppose you can do that gracefully

Regards, Axl

Am Dienstag, 23. Juli 2013, 04:24:38 schrieb JackB:

This might be a little off topic, but how can one upgrade nginx on

Valentin V. Bartenev Wrote:

This might be a little off topic, but how can one upgrade nginx on
with the official ppa via apt without having a restart of nginx but an
upgrade instead? (/etc/init.d/nginx upgrade)

Please note, there is no “official ppa”.

Official nginx repositories for Ubuntu (and other Linux ditros) are
nginx: Linux packages

Oh, I meant your repositories but named it ppa. Sorry for that.

Will there be a way of having an upgrade instead of an automatic restart
case of binary/package updates in the future?

Posted at Nginx Forum:

On 26 Jul2013, at 08:34 , JackB [email protected] wrote:

nginx: Linux packages

Oh, I meant your repositories but named it ppa. Sorry for that.

Will there be a way of having an upgrade instead of an automatic restart in
case of binary/package updates in the future?

Our package already calls ‘/etc/init.d/nginx upgrade’ on update