Update/Create record only if field is true

I have a sellable flag in my database. I’m trying to have ferret only
add/update records where sellable == true. What is the best way to do
this? I’ve tried editing instance_methods.rb in the AAF, but I still
can’t get it to work.

Thanks for the help

I think I figured it out. I edited the following:

line 85 I changed to:
self.class.ferret_index << self.to_doc if !configure[:ignore_flag] or
self.send(configure[:ignore_flag]) == true

I made the same change to line 199:
index << rec.to_doc if !configure[:ignore_flag] or
self.send(configure[:ignore_flag]) == true

Jens do you think you could add this functionality to AAF in a future
update? It would be much appreciated! Thanks again so much for the
great plugin.


Raymond O’connor wrote:

I think I figured it out. I edited the following:

line 85 I changed to:
self.class.ferret_index << self.to_doc if !configure[:ignore_flag] or
self.send(configure[:ignore_flag]) == true

I made the same change to line 199:
index << rec.to_doc if !configure[:ignore_flag] or
self.send(configure[:ignore_flag]) == true

Jens do you think you could add this functionality to AAF in a future
update? It would be much appreciated! Thanks again so much for the
great plugin.


Whoops, I made a typo above. Configure should be configuration so the
changes should actually read

line 85 I changed to:
self.class.ferret_index << self.to_doc if !configuration[:ignore_flag]
self.send(configuration[:ignore_flag]) == true

I made the same change to line 199:
index << rec.to_doc if !configuration[:ignore_flag] or
self.send(configuration[:ignore_flag]) == true

I want to do the same in my app. Is there a way to do this without
hacking the plugin code?

On Wed, Nov 29, 2006 at 01:55:12AM +0100, Carlos Kozuszko wrote:

I want to do the same in my app. Is there a way to do this without
hacking the plugin code?

not a nice one, but using the disable_ferret method you could build a
custom save method that disables ferret for the next save if some
condition is met, and then saves the record:

def conditional_ferret_save
disable_ferret if do_not_index?

note that the disable_ferret method disables indexing for this record
for the next call to save - this is definitely not thread safe, but in
a Rails context this usually is not a problem.

However I like the idea of having an :if option to acts_as_ferret to
specify a condition (symbol pointing to a method, or a proc) telling
whether indexing should take place or not.


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