Update action problem

Im having problem with update action in my controller when the updated
text includes word ‘from’.
here is message i get:
Processing ApplicationController#index (for at 2010-11-13
19:11:09) [GET]
Parameters: {“commit”=>“Submit”, “_method”=>“put”,
“page”=>{“background_id”=>“161”, “content_en”=>“a London-based
architect originally from Hong Kong.”, “title_en”=>“Gatehouse Room”}}

ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches “/500.shtml” with

If I exclude word from, i got this:
Processing PagesController#update (for at 2010-11-13
19:16:30) [PUT]
Parameters: {“commit”=>“Submit”, “action”=>“update”,
“_method”=>“put”, “authenticity_token”=>"/
rQ3EmaRkSEZpM7oCLqBGqyHV18qKJZURiLGTjSaImU=", “id”=>“22”,
“page”=>{“background_id”=>“161”, “content_en”=>“London-based architect
originally Hong Kong.”, “title_en”=>“Gatehouse Room”},

On 13 November 2010 18:24, MoonFlash [email protected] wrote:

ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches “/500.shtml” with
The first one is processing ApplicationController#index, the second
PagesController#update. I don’t think you should be processing
actions in ApplicationController.


The first one is processing ApplicationController#index, the second
PagesController#update. I don’t think you should be processing
actions in ApplicationController.

But the code is the same, the only difference is what user is entering
inside text_area.
View code:
<% form_for @page do |f| %>
<%= f.error_messages %>

<%= f.label :title_en %>
<%= f.text_field :title_en %>
<%= f.label 'Tooltip' %>
<%= f.text_field :short_en %>
<%= f.label :content_en %>
<%= f.text_area :content_en%>

<%= f.submit "Submit" %>

<%end%> _______________________________ PagesController: def update @page = Page.find(params[:id])
if @page.update_attributes(params[:page])
  flash[:notice] = t('flash.page_edited')
  redirect_to :action =>'index'
  render :action => 'edit'


On my localhost everything works OK.
On the server when i enter text that includes …
select…from… in text_area i got previous error

It looks like, somehow, rails is processing entered text_area input as
some kind of SQL query.

On 13 November 2010 23:14, MoonFlash [email protected] wrote:

It looks like, somehow, rails is processing entered text_area input as
some kind of SQL query.

Please remember to quote the previous message so that each message
makes some sense in it’s own right, otherwise we have to search back
through previous messages to work out what you are talking about.

I would concentrate on finding out why (if) it is calling the wrong
action first. What happens after is irrelevant if it is calling the
wrong action. No SQL or anything else is performed before the
‘Processing …’ message is logged.

By the way have you actually got actions inside ApplicationController?
This would be unusual I think. Though I may be wrong.


On 13 November 2010 23:06, MoonFlash [email protected] wrote:

The first one is processing ApplicationController#index, the second
PagesController#update. I don’t think you should be processing
actions in ApplicationController.

But the code is the same, the only difference is what user is entering
inside text_area.

Are you sure you are interpreting the log correctly? Have a look
before the ‘processing ApplicationController#index’ and check that the
submit is not there.


MoonFlash, I was wondering if you solved this.
I am having the same problem and can’t figure it out.

Hi Colin, thanks for interest to help :slight_smile:

In my application_controller.rb i have this:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_filter { |c| Authorization.current_user = c.current_user }
before_filter :set_locale
helper :all # include all helpers, all the time

def set_locale
I18n.locale = ‘en’
include Authentication


def permission_denied
flash[:error] = “This action is not allowed.”
redirect_to login_url

here is complete error message:
SQL (0.1ms) SET NAMES ‘utf8’
Processing ApplicationController#index (for at 2010-11-14
16:42:36) [GET]
Parameters: {“commit”=>“Update”, “_method”=>“put”,
“page”=>{“background_id”=>“161”, “title_fr”=>“La chambre de la
porterie”, “title_de”=>“Zimmer im Portalbau”, “publish_flv”=>“0”,
“b_color_id”=>“4”, “s_rotate_x”=>“0”, “publish_as_gallery”=>“0”,
“s_rotate_y”=>“0”, “short_en”=>"", “publish_gallery”=>“0”,
“d_rotate_x”=>“0”, “hide_title”=>“1”, “text_left”=>“0”, “b_x”=>“0”,
“d_rotate_y”=>“0”, “b_y”=>“100”, “short_fr”=>"", “short_de”=>"",
“content_en”=>“When selecting the furnishings for the Chateau we were
constantly struck and fascinated by the furniture and lighting designs
of famous architects. The wardrobe in this twin-bedded room is a prime
example of this formal, minimalist and ideally-proportioned designer
discourse. In addition to this wardrobe, Spencer Fung, a London-based
architect originally from Hong Kong, also designed the solid Dragon
bench in the Conference Room and the cabinets with sliding doors in
the dining room and lounge.\r\n”, “publish_text”=>“1”,
“scale_flv”=>"", “x_swf”=>"", “parent_id”=>“3”, “y_swf”=>"",
“publish_swf”=>“0”, “content_fr”=>“Lorsque nous avons choisi les
objets pour dcorer ce chteau, le mobilier et les luminaires
darchitectes de renom nont cess de nous mouvoir et de nous
fasciner. \r\n\r\nDans cette chambre aux lits jumeaux, larmoire
adhre ce rpertoire formel sobre, minimaliste et aux proportions
idales. Spencer Fung, larchitecte londonien originaire de Hong Kong,
outre cette armoire, est reprsent au chteau par le banc massif
Dragon dans la salle de confrence et les vitrines portes
coulissantes dans la salle manger et le salon.”, “content_de”=>“Beim
Auswhlen der Einrichtungs- gegenstnde fr dieses Chateau haben uns
immer wieder die Entwrfe von namhaften Architekten fr Mbel und
Lampen berhrt und fasziniert. \r\n\r\nIn dieser klaren, reduzierten
und genial proportionierten Formensprache ist auch der Kleiderschrank
in diesem Schlafzimmer mit zwei getrennt nebeneinander stehenden
Betten. Spencer Fung, der Londoner Architekt aus Hongkong hat auer
diesem Kleiderschrank die schwere Sitzbank “Dragon” im Seminarraum
und die Schiebetr Vitrinen im Esszimmer und im Salon gezeichnet.\r
\n”, “title_en”=>“Gatehouse Room”}}

ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches “/500.shtml” with
config/initializers/cgi_session_hack.rb:42:in `call’

Rendering rescues/layout (not_found)