As much as I love you all, I’d prefer to not receive e-mails from the
mailing list and just read messages on Google. However, # off to
ruby-talk-ctl and # unsubscribe have not done the trick. I’ve also
e-mailed ruby-talk-admin and no response. What’s the secret? Thanks.
quoth the Matt W.:
As much as I love you all, I’d prefer to not receive e-mails from the
mailing list and just read messages on Google. However, # off to
ruby-talk-ctl and # unsubscribe have not done the trick. I’ve also e-mailed
ruby-talk-admin and no response. What’s the secret? Thanks.
Sorry. Ruby-talk is like the Hotel California…
But seriously, the headers of every message here say:
List-Unsubscribe: mailto:[email protected]?body=unsubscribe
So did you send an email to ‘[email protected]’ with
only ‘unsubscribe’ in the body?
If so then I guess there is a configuration snafu or bug in the mailing