Unpack *.gem

Hi all.

Some good and interesting library at rubyforge can be downloaded only as

The question is: is there method for unpack library and view its source
docs without installing it?

I need such functionality very oftenly (in my local HDD repository there
93 libraries I’ve downloaded to study their code and docs, and only
of them I currently use; so I don’t want unused libraries to be
installed at



On May 2, 2006, at 8:54 PM, Victor S. wrote:

I need such functionality very oftenly (in my local HDD repository

Gems are just tar files. You can use tar -xvf some.gem to extract them.

I need such functionality very oftenly (in my local HDD repository

Gems are just tar files. You can use tar -xvf some.gem to extract them.

Thanks Logan.
I should guess it by myself :slight_smile:
