A little something to help along the newcomers like me
Unoffical installation guide for gnuradio on Fedora 14, January 2011
the gnuradio installation procedure may change and hence render this
Get the UHD prerequisites (install using your distro’s package
installer):- Git
- C++
- CMake
- Boost
- LibUSB
- Python
- Cheetah
- Doxygen
- Docutils
Get th UHD source:
git clone git://code.ettus.com/ettus/uhd.git -
Generate UHD makefiles with cmake
cd /host
mkdir build
cd build
cmake …/ -
Build and install UHD
make test
sudo make install
Ensure that libuhd.so is in the ldconfig path of your OS. In fedora 14
updatedb &
locate libuhd.so
then put the path from the locate command in:
vim /etc/ld.so.conf.d/uhd.conf
Get gnuradio:
git clone gnuradio.git - GNU Radio -
Install gnuradio prerequisites. Read the instructions from the readme
within the gnuradio directory
cd /gnuradio
In Fedora 14, I installed all packages except fftw using the package
manager. I had to install fftw from source because gnuradio requires a
custom-built single precision floating point version of fftw
Get the fpga code for USRP2 (not sure whether this is important or
cd /gnuradio
cd usrp2
rm -rf fpga (but read the inside the fpga directory readme first!)
git clone git://ettus.sourcerepo.com/ettus/fpga.git -
Next we download gr-uhd component of gnuradio. Within the gnuradio
directory run the following commands
git branch --track next origin/next
git checkout next
A directory called gr-uhd should be visible in the gnuradio directory.
Run ./bootstrap in the gnuradio directory.
Run ./configure and find out which components are not going to be
installed due to missing prerequisites. Look for the missing
in the ./configure output and install them using your distro’s package
manager. Some of the components are not important. In my Fedora 14
installation I did not require gcell, gr-audio-jack, gr-audio-osx,
gr-audio-windows and gr-comedi.
In fedora 14, after installing sdcc I had to add the following to the
bashrc path since configure could not find sdcc
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/libexec/sdcc
Run make and sudo make install and then run sudo ldconfig .
Create the following line in your bashrc file so that the gnuradio
python modules can be found
export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages -
Edit /etc/security/limits.conf and add this line:
@usrp - rtprio 50
- Your ethernet card must be set to promiscuous mode. In fedora:
cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
vim ifcfg-eth0
and add the line:
- If the UHD images have not been written onto the SD card, get them
http://www.ettus.com/downloads/uhd_images/ and write them.
Below is an extract of a procedure for writing the UHD images as posted
the gnuradio mailing list by Elvis D.:
Step 05.01: Locate the correct device for the SD card
Insert the SD card into the SD card reader slot of your computer.
Run gparted, the graphical disk partitioning utility to quickly
which device the SD card is
connected. Usually /dev/sda would be your primary hard disk, and
would be the SD card.
Step 05.02: Write the UHD FPGA and firmware images to the SD Card
Write the new UHD FPGA image to the SD card:
$ cd uhd/host/utils
$ sudo ./usrp2_card_burner.py --dev=/dev/sdb
Write the new UHD firmware image to the SD card:
$ sudo ./usrp2_card_burner.py --dev=/dev/sdb
- Configure the ethernet card connected to the USRP2 as follows:
The default ip address of the USRP2 is
Important links
Configure the Network card connected to the USRP2 as follows:
Subnet: -
Run uhd_find_devices to check if the USRP2 can be detected