Unmarshall Exception error in using Jersey Java to call rest Apis

I am using Jersey to call the REST API in rails.
I am having two tables as


I am trying to write a method in java to post a comment and my url is


THe method i am using is

public BlogBean postComment(String title, String comment) {
// Create a multivalued map to store the parameters to be send in
the REST call
MultivaluedMap<String, String> newBlogParam = new

   newBlogParam.add("title", "testingapiblogposttitle");
   newBlogParam.add("comment", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa");

   BlogBean blogBean = null;

   try {

       blogBean =


   } catch (UniformInterfaceException uie) {
          if (uie.getResponse().getStatus() == 401) {
              System.out.println("Can not authenticate user

"+ConfigurationUtil.userName +
“. Please check your username/password and try
again.” );
} else {

            System.out.println("Error when trying to talk to app. "
  •               "HTTP status code

"+uie.getResponse().getStatus()+“returned. Finishing.”);

          return null;
      } catch (ClientHandlerException che) {
        System.out.println("Error when trying to talk toapp. Network

issues? " +
"Please check the following message and try again later:
return null;

   return blogBean;

where ConfigurationUtil.POST_COMMENT= “api/blogs/comment.xml”

xmlrootelement i am using is “blogpost”

When i run this one i am getting error as

Exception in thread “main” javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException:
javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element (uri:"",
local:“message”). Expected elements are <{}blogpost>

Caused by: javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element
(uri:"", local:“message”). Expected elements are <{}blogpost>

Why i am getting this error . How to avoid this??
Pls give suggestions